/ > /fap/ > Thread 3083
Age: 44.44d Health: 0% Posters: 7 Posts: 9 Replies: 8 Files: 1+2
>> Anonymous 27dec2013(fr)00:29 No.9151 OP P1
Let me show you the dance of my people.
[IMG] robotomy - kitakia.swf (4.64 MiB)
600x612, Uncompressed. 5 frames, 36 fps (00:00).
Ver5, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No.
>> Anonymous 28dec2013(sa)22:34 No.9163 A P2R1
Genuinely one of the most frightening things I have ever seen.
>> Anonymous 30dec2013(mo)20:36 No.9172 B P3R2
Sleep is for the weak
>> Anonymous 31dec2013(tu)18:15 No.9177 C P4R3
the screenshot made it look far less disturbing than it actually is
>> Anonymous 2jan2014(th)14:34 No.9192 D P5R4
I don't know if I can fap to this, but I'm damn sure gonna try.
>> Anonymous 2jan2014(th)23:22 No.9195 E P6R5
You can fap to anything, no matter how disgusting it is, or how turned off you are.
It's not an achievement, just a matter of patience.
>> Anonymous 7jan2014(tu)00:57 No.9208 F P7R6
then you aren't fapping off to that specific image or moving picture, if you have to ignore it first
>> Anonymous 7jan2014(tu)10:38 No.9210 E P8R7
I never mentioned anything about ignoring it.
Or closing your eyes, or using your imagination for that sake.
Patience and Persistence is all you need.
>> Anonymous 7jan2014(tu)21:36 No.9214 F P9R8
still, then you would just fap for the sake of fapping
or fap to fapping itself. Or are you saying, that after a while of fapping you would find anything
a turn-on?
that's a difference