/ > /swf/ > Thread 3105
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>> magenbu 4jan2014(sa)02:13 No.9198 OP P1
Love Hina Sim Date RPG Full
Love Hina Sim Date is the latest and one of the best sims game. Choose your character and go to the
Hina Inn where you get to meet a lot of girls. Your basic goal is to get a Hina girl and gain as
much money and experience as possible. Good luck!
[IMG] LoveHinaSimDateRPG.swf (3.36 MiB)
620x380, Compressed. 3523 frames, 25 fps (02:21).
Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: Yes. Video: No.