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This is resource JM9ZLIO, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:8/12 -2013 00:17:08

Ended:8/12 -2013 01:42:28

Checked:8/12 -2013 02:34:05

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 62.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Policeman Vs Veteran.swf-(9.18 MB, 448x336, Other)
[_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:15 No.2211444

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:17 No.2211446

  Dat scream yo.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:17 No.2211447

  what a bad cop.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:18 No.2211448


>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:19 No.2211449

  Looks more like a good cop.
  A good cop is a dead cop.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:19 No.2211450

  ugh, i feel bad now.
  oh btw, inb4 50+ replies

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:21 No.2211451

  Did he kill him?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:21 No.2211452

  I ment with the whole '' SIR GET BACK NAO''. The fucking old guy ran right to his face, a real
  cop would have acted.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:22 No.2211454

  Yup. Killed him dead lmao

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:22 No.2211455

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:22 No.2211456

  most cops usually do, my friend was shot in the foot when he "exited a vehicle with hostility"

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:26 No.2211463

  Why didn't he shoot back?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:27 No.2211465

  Damn, luckily we only have electric guns, peppers pray and baton here.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:28 No.2211466

  Are all policemen in America such disrespectful assholes?

  >Why? Fuck you, I'll dance instead
  >cop literally comes at him with a shotgun

  What the fuck is this shit? Whether or not he's a veteran or not doesn't even matter at this point

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:29 No.2211468

  >how to get a 100 reply thread on /f/

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:30 No.2211469

  the camera says LOL, lel

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:33 No.2211471

  If he wanted that all he had to do was post the flash of the chick getting punched in the head
  after renaming it something along the lines of "A feminist's fight against the patriarchy". He'd
  get 50 guaranteed

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:36 No.2211473

  >After being captured, Brannan was asked why he killed Dinkheller. His response was, "Because he
  let me."

  stone cold

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:37 No.2211474

  this flash used to go up way beyond that.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:37 No.2211475

  Fucking Vietnam veterans thinking they own the world because they got drafted. As an America I've
  met many Veterans, of course most of them were great people, but those fucking Vietnam guys are
  self pitying assholes.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:41 No.2211477


>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:43 No.2211480

  The word you're looking for is badass.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:44 No.2211485

  Who needs gun laws

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:47 No.2211489

  military training>cop training
  we need better trained cops,

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:47 No.2211490

  Nigger moments: not just for black people.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:49 No.2211492

  Hey. here's an idea. Hire veterans for the police force instead of making them live off the dole.
  Problem solved.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:50 No.2211494

  That's what the cop gets for shooting first. Should have waited until backup arrived or until the
  dude shot. Oh well at least he's on death row. Too bad he's still alive though lel.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:52 No.2211498

  There's a reason cops are assholes a lot of the times and this is why

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:53 No.2211499

  The same people that paid his wages keep his killer fed and clothed, what a glorious system!

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:53 No.2211500

  So, keep the same amount of people shot, just kill the other guy instead


>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:53 No.2211501

  "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed
  by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the
  pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men,
  deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of
  Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to
  abolish it"

  That man is an American hero.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:53 No.2211503

  Notice how the perpetrator went on the offensive. To accomplish your goals, you can't wait for
  opportunity to come to you.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:55 No.2211505

  we need to enforce crime with a thunderdome

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)18:56 No.2211506

  yeah, im sure ex-soldiers with post traumatic stress would make great cops, wouldn't abuse power
  at all, and wouldn't kill you just "cause he let me" .... great idea thou!

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:01 No.2211509

  >Cop doesn't tase or shoot immediately
  >Gets killed

  Yet if he tased that guy you all would lose your shit because he tased a defenseless old veteran.
  Grow up kids.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:04 No.2211513

  Didn't want to kill someone. This video is now shown in police academies around the country and
  beyond to explain exactly WHY you shoot people before they have a chance to hurt you.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:04 No.2211514

  a defenseless old veteran with an m1

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:05 No.2211517

  well the cop shot first and missed cause he's not pro

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:06 No.2211519

  he didn't look too defenseless, in fact it looked like he shot a man dead.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:11 No.2211525

  "Hands out of your pockets" means "If anything comes out *with* your hands, I have to assume it's

  Officers issue these commands to prevent the situation from escalating to where forcible harm or
  even deadly force might be the appropriate course of action. Typically, if an officer is actually
  saying these things to you, it could have EASILY been prevented by being more cooperative.

  Of course, half the douchenozzels on 4chan think that the presence of a cop means that they are
  about to be enslaved/killed because autistic faggots.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:12 No.2211527

  No mace to the face. What a disgrace!

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:13 No.2211529

  so edgy just kill yourself

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:13 No.2211530

  No shit, but you'd better believe the autistic man children here would be pissed if the old man
  died instead of the cop

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:13 No.2211531

  The word you're looking for is edgy

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:14 No.2211532

  Vets are the overwhelming preference in most law enforcement, and typically get preference
  between numerous potential applicants during hiring/training periods.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:15 No.2211533

  your a faggot

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:16 No.2211536

  >Mature people like myself can see above and beyond what your average 4channer sees. It's clear
  the cop should have shot him the moment he got back in the car!
  Stop being such a faggot. Nobody would be upset if the cop shot the old man while he was pointing
  a rifle at him.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:16 No.2211537

  >your a faggot
  you're a faggot

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:17 No.2211539


>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:17 No.2211540

  >you're a faggot
  You're a faggot.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:17 No.2211541

  you're mom

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:17 No.2211542

  The cop was a typical weakling in a position of power. Are you really so important that he can't
  use his pockets?
  I love how quickly he went from being an important bureaucrat to being a little bitch, too
  indecisive to even defend his own life.
  This is the kind of man who points guns at civilians with hands in their pockets. Did he deserve
  to die? No, but he had it coming. He was killed by a vietnam veteran in a PTSD-induced frenzy,
  which was his fault. I hope the jury is more kind and competent than the officer was.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:18 No.2211543

  This is why cops shouldn't be so hostile. Hostility breeds hostility. The better trained and
  armed usually win in hostility, and are less intimidated. The cop asked for it.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:19 No.2211545

  >You're a faggot.
  You are a faggot.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:21 No.2211547

  >The apostrophe (’, although often rendered as ') is a punctuation mark, and sometimes a
  diacritical mark, in languages that use the Latin alphabet or certain other alphabets. In
  English, it serves three purposes, including the marking of the omission of one or more letters.
  You're still a faggot.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:22 No.2211548

  Holy shit that scream at the end, I'm actually shaken by this.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:25 No.2211551

  These guys are against the cop even though he was murdered.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:26 No.2211553

  phew, i'm not the only

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:27 No.2211554

  Who the fuck are you quoting?
  That guy said nothing about what the cop should've done.
  That said I'd probably chuckle.

>> [_] >>2211543 12/07/13(Sat)19:33 No.2211566


  Not against cops, against stupidity, and handling a life or death situation, that he should have
  been trained fore before he got in a position of power.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:36 No.2211572

  Yer a fagget.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/07/13(Sat)19:36 No.2211573

  They're saying that the cop pushing his authority around and telling some guy who got out of his
  truck to greet him to take his hands out of his pocket got him shot. The veteran is obviously
  mentally unstable, but not only did the cop set him off, but once he did he handled the situation
  Is scrolling up difficult for you? I'm paraphrasing the same guys earlier argument, in which he
  basically said exactly that you faggot.
Created: 8/12 -2013 00:17:08 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 03:47:47 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:18:18