File: TrueMove H - Giving.swf-(8.78 MB, 320x240, Japanese)
[_] TrueMove H Giving 01/15/14(Wed)21:21 No.2259337
Because some ignorant twat posted a poorly done, shitty rendering of this.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)21:38 No.2259361
other one was better
>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)21:52 No.2259375
lol the Canadian version:
>Nobody steals shit because they can afford medicine and because of universal health care
>Universal health care means even if the guy was dying and shit, he would be treated for free
>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)23:03 No.2259457
>Nobody steals shit
What do you call taxes, voluntary?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)23:05 No.2259460
>canadian version
>dad dies in waiting room after 19 hours
>doctor says sorry
>girl says sorry
>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)23:38 No.2259481
muh feels
>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)23:46 No.2259485
nice flash, though not as tear jerking as the Girl and her Deaf Father.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)23:54 No.2259489
Every time i watch this my eyes water. The music really sets it up.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/14(Thu)01:21 No.2259536
this brings a tear to me eye!