File: Down the road.swf-(9.62 MB, 320x180, Porn)
[_] again Keep on walking 01/01/14(Wed)12:55 No.2244296
>> [_] please label things correctly Anonymous 01/01/14(Wed)13:31 No.2244321
sauce on the music?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/01/14(Wed)13:33 No.2244325
C2C - Down the Road
>> [_] Anonymous 01/01/14(Wed)13:43 No.2244336
What was the first/second anime?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/01/14(Wed)13:46 No.2244337
could someone list all the animes that are in this?
i see the black dynamite and guren lagan... but I have no clue on the others.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/01/14(Wed)13:49 No.2244339
Gurren Lagann
Gurren Lagann Parallel Works or whatever it's called
Black Dynamite series
Cowboy Bebop
Panty & Stocking
>> [_] Anonymous 01/01/14(Wed)14:04 No.2244350
whats the one with the people with the animal faces. the style looks kind of like Samurai
Champloo. One of the scenes has the guy with like a bear/lion face.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/01/14(Wed)14:18 No.2244365
Gurren Lagann.
Specifically that one was Gurren Lagann Parallel Works 9, which is kind of a side story and kind
of a very long music video.