File: 4chan-sleep.swf-(868 KB, 550x400, Other)
[_] 'Sleep' Powder Arctica 12/30/13(Mon)01:58 No.2241623
Sleep, my loves.
>> [_] Mars !.X9p7owdWI 12/30/13(Mon)02:00 No.2241625
FABLED 2!!!!
>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/13(Mon)02:38 No.2241683
Fable went to shit after Lost Chapters.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/13(Mon)02:51 No.2241699
It's too late to save me it's already 7. I appreciate your good intentions though
>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/13(Mon)02:59 No.2241716
what is the OST on this? very much appreciated please ;_;
>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/13(Mon)03:05 No.2241726
This is temple of light from fable 1
>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/13(Mon)03:10 No.2241733
inb4 GOTTA BED .swf file was uploaded because of this flash.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/13(Mon)03:14 No.2241737
thank you very much
>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/13(Mon)04:45 No.2241843
it went to shit even before the last chapters
>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/13(Mon)04:50 No.2241851
Is it weird that I feel existential despair while listening to this song?
>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/13(Mon)05:47 No.2241897
No. I feel it too anon
>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/13(Mon)06:02 No.2241900
Here is the actual song from the SWF