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This is resource NZTM8OX, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:15/1 -2014 07:17:52

Ended:15/1 -2014 15:02:34

Checked:15/1 -2014 16:25:12

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 32.
Discovered flash files: 1

There are 2 links ending with .swf in this thread (1 more than the discovered amount of flash files).

File: Zonetan.swf-(587 KB, 600x800, Game)
[_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)01:12 No.2258564

  >easy mode
  >still fucking impossible

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)01:25 No.2258577

  fuck no

>> [_] good guy greg 01/15/14(Wed)01:31 No.2258583

  how to do it help plox i better go to reddit and get some help /b/ros

>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)02:03 No.2258601


>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)02:04 No.2258602

  fool me once shame on you
  fool me twice shame on me
  fool me three times and i'm really asking for it
  fool me four times and this better be the best cum scene EVER
  fool me FIVE times, i mothafukkin DARE you to fool me five times,
  i'm too clever for you nigga!

>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)02:30 No.2258616

  why hasnt anyone done a version where you knock her unconcious with a brick and rape her, like a
  really angry rape

>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)02:39 No.2258621

  i think you lasted about ten minutes right?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)02:45 No.2258625

  once i figured it out it was easy to do, ive played, and beat, this game like 10 times.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)02:47 No.2258627

  I got her down to her panties but they wont fucking come off

>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)03:02 No.2258640

  got her naked but I cant drag my dick into her
  what the fuck am I suppose to do I already got her all relaxed and opened up

>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)03:20 No.2258647

  made her cum
  still cant put it this version broken or something?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)04:00 No.2258680

  got her naked and made her cum with my dick
  every time she cums or am about to cum she pushed me away

>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)04:27 No.2258698

  figured it out
  you have to fuck her fast and endure until you see the purple dots flashing if you cum before
  that or after she wont let you cum inside

>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)04:36 No.2258702

  >Clicked game
  >See bitch on bed
  >Realize what game this is
  >Click close

>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)04:51 No.2258710

  Retards dont realise that this is fucking easy if you actually take care of her needs aswell.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)04:53 No.2258713


>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)04:59 No.2258719

  she's a woman.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)05:02 No.2258720


>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)05:13 No.2258727

  UGH. This is fucking impossible....

>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)05:14 No.2258728

  You're meant to leave, purchase a diamond ring and two bags, one prada one gucci, come back in
  your Lamborghini, give her the ring (Opens up the ability to touch her) give her a foot massage
  for a period of sixteen hours whilst reciting the entire works of william shakespear, sexually
  pleasure her in the dark, under the blankets (remember to select the heat resistance and improved
  lung capacity at the start), then you may go wank in the toilet

>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)05:42 No.2258743

  same guy here i vant get her naked really easy now
  but I still cant cum inside I got supper close one pink dots everywhere but then they stoped and
  she pushed me away

>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)05:48 No.2258746

  another tips for you bros you have to make her bounce you will gradually be able to go faster but
  you have to make every trust count

  I keep missing you have to guess when to go faster
  anybody else got any tips that will help beat it?
  or a hack version? swfchan has a "hacked" but its the same exact game and its just as difficult

>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)06:12 No.2258754

  Finnally fucking beat it fucking 3 hours man but I manage to figured everything out from scratch
  you have to cum at the same time(or pretty close)
  you have to go haves and cum while the pink dots are flashing otherwise she will push you away
  I recomed you set you endurance at 4 if you set it at 5 she will always cum before you and any
  lower and you'll cum to fast
  set her sensitivity at 2 or 1

  and obviously set her resistance to 1
  good luck

>> [_] stop trying hard Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)06:40 No.2258769

>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)06:45 No.2258770

  dont know what you plebs are complaining about
  >open legs once
  >pull up shirt
  >pull down panties
  >slide up and down her a bunch till your cock comes up
  >push space and click on it to get inside
  >keep goin till you blow a load
  >finger her till she comes
  >0 resistance after
  only thing i cant figure out is how to get her top off but eh

>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)06:56 No.2258775

  so what happens after she lets you cum inside? or is the goal of this game something diffrent?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)07:13 No.2258780

  You need to raise her arms and then click and drag the straps to the left or right, respectively,
  and then you pull up her shirt

>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)07:26 No.2258787

  GODDAMN IT! I'll just wait until someone posts a walkthrough video.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)07:56 No.2258803

  Like real life women, you have to be psychic to win this game, and know exactly which things to
  do when even though she tries her best to suggest you're supposed to be doing something different

>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)07:57 No.2258804


  No walkthrough, the sequence of actions is different every time, and no you don't get any hints
  what you're supposed to do next

>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)08:02 No.2258808

  This is such a fucking cocktease.
  Feels too much like the real deal. Fuck I didn't ask for these feels.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/15/14(Wed)08:47 No.2258832

  >that retarded expression on her face

  Right now I think I would be happy with just shooting at her stupid face
  fucking shirt won't pull up, damn you gravity!
Created: 15/1 -2014 07:17:52 Last modified: 15/1 -2014 16:25:14 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:06:26