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This is resource RGDIBFZ, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:16/12 -2013 22:35:38

Ended:17/12 -2013 00:40:21

Checked:17/12 -2013 01:29:55

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 20.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Game of the year.swf-(9.44 MB, 352x288, Game)
[_] Game of the Year Anonymous 12/16/13(Mon)16:13 No.2224172

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/13(Mon)16:20 No.2224182

  What a shitty voice actor.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/13(Mon)16:22 No.2224184

  the fuck?! thats terrible.
  she wasnt that bad.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/13(Mon)16:27 No.2224195

  So wait, did the person just beat the game in less than 3 minutes?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/13(Mon)16:29 No.2224198

  yeah, there are options you can flip on to unlock all the doors and explore everything out of
  order. it normally takes maybe about two hours but thatsthejoke.jpg

>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/13(Mon)16:29 No.2224199

  to be fair i dont think she was acting at all.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/13(Mon)17:25 No.2224282

  But... but I liked gone home...


>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/13(Mon)18:00 No.2224331

  I haven't even played this game and I can tell the video was kinda bs, it let all the doors be
  unlocked n shit

>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/13(Mon)18:01 No.2224332

  >all those nominations
  >Tomb raider doesn't win shit

>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/13(Mon)18:02 No.2224335

  so is this a horror game or just one of those it's-too-deep-for-you kind of games?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/13(Mon)18:10 No.2224349

  just 2deep for you lesbian shit

>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/13(Mon)18:12 No.2224352

  figures as much

>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/13(Mon)18:13 No.2224353


  honestly, the only two reasons that I think people here have issue with it is

  1. The Developers are greedy assholes. This game is worth like $5 at most rather than $19.99

  2. Just because a character is gay, doesn't make it the greatest game of all time. Like, I get
  that the gay community is represented all that well in video games, but just because one of the
  main characters is gay, excuses the game of everything else and automatically makes it the GOTY.
  It's pretty much reverse homophobia

>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/13(Mon)18:14 No.2224361

  >reverse homophobia

>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/13(Mon)18:16 No.2224363


  no, its like reverse racism. Like, "Because you're black, we're going to give you this job" It's
  not detrimental to them, but it still is racist in terms of it focuses on race

>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/13(Mon)18:22 No.2224367

  Loved that game and I was scared as fuck the whole time without any particular reasons, there is
  no screamer or paranormal things. But indeed it's worth 5$, 20$ wtf I had it for free.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/13(Mon)18:25 No.2224373

  The character is gay? I didn't get that from watching this.
  Wasn't one of the names male and one female?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/13(Mon)18:26 No.2224376

  Nope, the narrator is your sister, and her love interest is a young woman training for entry into
  the military.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/13(Mon)18:27 No.2224377


  It's about the main character's lesbian sister (she's not IN the game but she's the one talking)

>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/13(Mon)18:38 No.2224388

  The other issue is that it really is just a walking simulator, but it gets so much praise from
  the mainstream. It's Dear Esther all over again.
Created: 16/12 -2013 22:35:38 Last modified: 17/12 -2013 01:30:01 Server time: 05/01 -2025 07:26:53