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This is resource RXQJAQU, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:4/12 -2013 01:36:09

Ended:4/12 -2013 03:35:49

Checked:4/12 -2013 04:22:50

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 28.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: SHUT THE FUCK UP CLYDE YOU FAGGOT (full).swf-(9.36 MB, 240x160, Other)
[_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)19:28 No.2206215

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)19:54 No.2206251

  At first I was glad he was pushed in.

  But after all the grief he put the others in by being a douchebag and dying because of it makes
  him an eternal doucebag

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)20:06 No.2206264

  when did JonTron become such an asshole

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)20:13 No.2206268



>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)20:15 No.2206270

  what is this this from?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)20:18 No.2206273

  mean jontron show

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)20:23 No.2206282


  Boku no Mean Creak

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)20:27 No.2206288

  The short version is much better than the long melodramitic version. The writing Mean Creek is
  shit except for Josh Peck's performance between "shut the fuck up Clyde" and "I hope they die of
  fag disease... Yeah."

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)20:29 No.2206293

  Lol those fucking kids.

  Josh was being a asshole sure, but you dont let someone die over a few hurtful words.

  I would have jumped right the fuck in as soon as i noticed he was struggling to stay afloat.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)20:37 No.2206319

  Drake and Josh

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)20:39 No.2206323


  The 2004 film Mean Creek

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)20:45 No.2206341

  Faggot, You need to Shut the fuck up. You faggot! Fucking skinny, butt-munching faggot. I hate
  you, you know that? I really do. Because all you do is fucking prance around school talking about
  your fucking faggoty, fairy fathers. I'll tell you what! I don't want to hear about your fucking
  fathers and how their assholes work. all right? It makes me sick! And I...I fucking hope they
  fucking die of fag diease! Yeah!

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)20:47 No.2206342

  >Faggot, You need to Shut the fuck up. You faggot! Fucking skinny, butt-munching faggot. I hate
  you, you know that? I really do. Because all you do is fucking prance around school talking about
  your fucking faggoty, fairy fathers. I'll tell you what! I don't want to hear about your fucking
  fathers and how their assholes work. all right? It makes me sick! And I...I fucking hope they
  fucking die of fag diease! Yeah!

  Beautiful, simply beautiful. I love that entire excerpt.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)20:49 No.2206347

  Id still save your life anon.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)20:53 No.2206351

  >lets wait a few minutes for him to come back up before rescuing him because he hurt our feelings

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)20:53 No.2206352

  where's the version with the drake and josh music?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)20:56 No.2206358

  If they were going to rescue him, why did they wait for him to go under? I thought they wanted
  him to die for a few minutes.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)20:56 No.2206359

  i think they're all a bunch of dumb kids and nobody realized he would actually drown

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)20:58 No.2206360

  I wouldn't

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)21:00 No.2206362

  ...wat. If someone is struggling to swim and goes under they can only breathe water. and unles
  they are magic they willl die.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)21:01 No.2206365

  hence dumb kids, they were questioning if he was being overdramatic and nobody was rushing to be
  the first to go save him after what he just did.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)21:02 No.2206366


>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)21:05 No.2206369

  Holy shit... finally get to see the rest of that scene.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)21:16 No.2206388

  You see what you do to your brothers, Megan?

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)21:17 No.2206389

  I want to fuck Millie and Marty.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/03/13(Tue)21:17 No.2206390

  10/10 would push you off a boat

>> [_] Schuyler 4425-2003-7876 (Cascoon, Swalot, Muk) 12/03/13(Tue)21:19 No.2206394


>> [_] unin 12/03/13(Tue)21:24 No.2206399

  did you see the blood coming out of his head? he hit his head, either on the bottom or on his
  waterproof GoPro AnHero+. its not that he couldn't swim, he knocked his dumb self out and drowned
Created: 4/12 -2013 01:36:09 Last modified: 4/12 -2013 04:22:52 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:51:49