File: what_the_fuck.swf-(1.11 MB, 800x700, Japanese)
[_] click shit Anonymous 12/12/13(Thu)02:43 No.2217898
and push buttons
>> [_] Anonymous 12/12/13(Thu)02:46 No.2217900
what the fuck is right
>> [_] Anonymous 12/12/13(Thu)02:47 No.2217903
thums up
>> [_] Anonymous 12/12/13(Thu)03:26 No.2217973
This hurts my soggy brain.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/12/13(Thu)03:32 No.2217979
The little demon controls speed. Don't know what the head controls. Clicking the cluster makes
eyes appear, pressing tab makes her head jump, and pressing space summons heads.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/12/13(Thu)03:36 No.2217983
click and DRAG...
she wobbles, and the demons slide
>> [_] Anonymous 12/12/13(Thu)03:36 No.2217984
the head controls how well her head stays connected, and also splits mami's heads (the space bar
ones) when below / on them.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/12/13(Thu)03:40 No.2217989
those heads... hover the pointer over them and they multiply O.o
>> [_] Anonymous 12/12/13(Thu)03:42 No.2217991
>drag head all the way left
>drag her
>perpetual motion
also I was pressing random buttons and her body wobbled differently, but I haven't been able to
duplicate it