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This is resource UD3KJXL, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:2/1 -2014 22:02:02

Ended:3/1 -2014 00:54:31

Checked:3/1 -2014 01:43:57

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 25.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Eastern Vs Western Animation.swf-(8.65 MB, 640x360, Anime)
[_] Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)15:58 No.2245631

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)16:11 No.2245636

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)16:17 No.2245638

  simply the best

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)16:51 No.2245673

  >This is what weeaboos actually believe.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)17:26 No.2245717

  Hey, we made Heavy Metal.
  Everything else though....

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)17:39 No.2245732

  The one on the right has personality to it, something you weaboos wouldn't understand

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)17:40 No.2245733

  Actually, that looks pretty entertaining and way more fun to watch.

  >All the laughs I would have.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)17:43 No.2245738



>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)17:43 No.2245739


  this. railgun is shit anyway.

  if you wanted a good example of japanese animation you should've used redline.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)17:49 No.2245747

  >Walking Animation
  My sides.

  Wasn't the entire thing done in ms-paint?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)17:52 No.2245750

  Actauly, the coat swish animation was done pretty well on the shit side.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)18:07 No.2245764

  Actually if you wanna compare something, compare <insert anime> to avatar TLA. Thats a great
  example of how awesome western animation can be when we want it to look nice.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)18:11 No.2245773

  avatar looks like weeaboo shit trying too hard to be an anime

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)18:13 No.2245778

  RWBY is weaboo shit trying too hard to be anime.

  Avatar had eastern influence (and not just Japanese, you understand), but it's done well.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)18:17 No.2245782

  Even the straw man example on the right looks smoother.

  A lot of animu is very poorly animated, no matter how well drawn (read: full of moeblobs) you
  think it is.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)18:20 No.2245788

  >>Most of the animation was done by Koreans
  >>Same with anime

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)18:21 No.2245789

  i never said i liked rwby as its pretty much mikumikudance 3dcustomgirl weeaboo shit too

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)18:22 No.2245790

  They hide it well though. They save their budget through lots of standing shots and boring bits,
  so they can have good action scenes. Sometimes, at least.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)18:26 No.2245793

  Anyone here remember Batman: The Animated Series?

  Did you know Season 01 through 03 were animated in Japan? Season 4 and Teen Titans were Animated
  in America. Compare and contrast.

  Quality of Animation is basically Art Direction + Length of Project Development Time * Funding /
  Staff - Cuts AND Edits OR Redraws. Most Japanese animated series make enough money to cover
  production, and that's about it. Funding for recent titles has been severely reduced due to the
  focus on computer assisted coloring and the ability to use cel-shaded CG models for action
  sequences and fight scenes.

  The only animation that has a respectable budget these days are animated movies.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)18:28 No.2245796

  I don't actually give a shit about this since I'm not from freedumsland or care much about anime,
  but standing still on irreal poses, have the characters shift their own weight/close their arms
  and adding explosions to everything is not really improving it

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)18:35 No.2245805

  Lol, fucking weeaboos.

  Orientals make no distinction between anime and western animation, especially since the former
  was inspired by the latter (by Disney movies IIRC).

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)18:35 No.2245807

  Raligun? What a shitty choice.
  The pinnacle of Japanese animation is undeniably the Monogatari series.
  I suppose a shout out to Guilty Crown is necessary too no matter how shitty the show actually was.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)18:44 No.2245820

  The budget of Avatar is many times that of the average anime.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)18:44 No.2245821

  holy fuck my sides
  thank you

>> [_] Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)18:51 No.2245832

  >railgun is shit animation
  >redline is "good"

  I don't think you understand. Railgun is "good."

  Redline is "FUCKING AMAZING."
Created: 2/1 -2014 22:02:02 Last modified: 3/1 -2014 01:44:00 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:33:07