File: 4chan4evar.swf-(2.12 MB, 550x400, Anime)
[_] Where's my oldfags at? WKZworks 12/16/13(Mon)00:53 No.2223333
It's nostalgia tiem!
>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/13(Mon)00:54 No.2223335
>posting archived shit
gtfo newfag
>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/13(Mon)00:55 No.2223339
makes me feel good inside
>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/13(Mon)01:15 No.2223374
where here but im just stalking the boards lol.....
>> [_] Okk !G7.5cn6aGM 12/16/13(Mon)01:16 No.2223375
I'm an oldfag...
>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/13(Mon)01:32 No.2223396
4chan has changed a lot
It feels like reading the same book over and over but each time is just a different publication,
you can't justify from the previous ones until you're 1-2 publications ahead and look back at the
bin full of books