File: happy days.swf-(621 KB, 352x240, Loop)
[_] Dr. Piss !!as1IZwO5H07 12/29/13(Sun)20:05 No.2240862
>> [_] Anonymous 12/29/13(Sun)20:54 No.2241016
Fuck you.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/29/13(Sun)20:55 No.2241018
It's hilarious.
Become upset fgt
>> [_] Anonymous 12/29/13(Sun)21:48 No.2241153
Fuck off!
>> [_] Anonymous 12/29/13(Sun)22:42 No.2241283
9/11 never forget the brave americans killed in this travesty. only a commie like you would be
such a dick about this terrorists.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/29/13(Sun)22:46 No.2241290
This happened on the 11th of september, not the 9th of november, dumbass.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/29/13(Sun)23:05 No.2241329
Bombing and killing all night long ;)