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Threads (5):
File: hit that lol.swf-(381 KB, 320x218, Loop) [_] Anon 3472254
File[Animu & Mango.swf] - (390 KB) [_] [A] Anon 1274945 A day in the life of /a/ >> [_] Anon 1274984 You forgot the tripfaggotry. >> [_] Anon 1275108 Shouldn't this be for /jp/ rather than /a/?
File :[hit that lol.swf] - (390 KB) [_] [J] Anon 915038 SO RONERY
File :[IdHitIt.swf] - (390 KB) [_] [J] Anon 845830 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 845835 feeling so ronery >> [_] C.C. the Gray Witch !WitcH/KnG6 845949 I'd hit it too. >> [_] Anon 846020 /r/ musix >> [_] Anon 846049 SMIIIIILE, YOU'RE ON CANDID CAMERA! >> [_] Anon 846123 hit that by the offspring
File: vtech.swf-(1.17MB, 500x400) [IMG][_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 989 [IMG] wat >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 990 File: bombgame.swf-(173.52KB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 992 File: zomgz.swf-(42.53KB, 200x150) [IMG] Don't mind me I'll just be posting some flash >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 993 File: mindcontrolexperiment.swf-(78.62KB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 994 File: ILoveFoxes.swf-(341.21KB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 995 File: crawling.swf-(1.72MB, 160x120) [IMG] what is this 2mb faggotry >> [_] A-bomb-anus 1003 >># LOL this was the best one even though i cant get past the first level... keeps saying dont lave any screamers alive >> [_] Anon 1011 >># Is this where I join the Bal Molagmer? >> [_] A-bomb-anus 1012 >># HE'S PEELING HIMSELF!!!!!! >> [_] Anon 1022 >># stupid speaker breaker with the two azns HEY MY SPEAKERS COST MONEY >> [_] Anon 1033 >># If they cost a lot, they should have this little thing called a volume controller. >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1082 File: Muskatnuss.swf-(1.13MB, 320x240) [IMG] proast >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1084 File: fliptopbox.swf-(836.67KB, 400x300) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1085 File: superhappy_puppywhirl1.swf-(185.17KB, 150x128) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1087 File: Metalgearspin.swf-(1.22MB, 111x304) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1088 File: analrapist.swf-(162.50KB, 640x400) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1089 File: lolzelda.swf-(217.12KB, 394x277) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1090 File: WalkThisWay.swf-(1.34MB, 300x225) [IMG] I have quite a few flashes so I might have one you're looking for. >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1091 File: xeon.swf-(390.19KB, 320x218) [IMG] also, ronery ;-; >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1092 File: meow.swf-(213.48KB, 150x215) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1093 File: Suddenly! Guitar! .swf-(589.93KB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1094 File: doom.swf-(736.12KB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1095 File: press_the_button.swf-(35.30KB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1096 File: run hero.swf-(429.45KB, 210x238) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1097 File: POOOOONNNNNNNYYYY.swf-(1.23MB, 320x240) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1098 File: adolfbeat.swf-(1.91MB, 98x98) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1099 File: skeletowned.swf-(275.65KB, 320x240) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 1100 >># /r/ing the anime. >> [_] Anon 1102 >># seconded. >> [_] Anon 1107 >># I may be completely and utterly wrong, but it looks like Bobobo Bo Bobobo. >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1112 File: -..-flash185--mudah.swf-(1.18MB, 800x400) [IMG] looking for some that are not fail >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1113 File: kidz.swf-(230.41KB, 399x527) [IMG] ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1114 File: loitumasclosed.swf-(156.25KB, 240x164) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1115 File: Sinistar.swf-(43.54KB, 110x110) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1117 File: newyear.swf-(135.88KB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1120 File: TOP_LAZOR.swf-(1.92MB, 320x240) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1121 File: SIGN.swf-(815.26KB, 320x240) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 1123 >># Shoops once lost their win... Their win has come again. >> [_] Anon 1131 >># Yes, you are wrong. Its Dai Mahou Touge. >> [_] Anon 1152 >># thnx anon. >> [_] Anon 1203 >># I remember watching that anime years ago, but I forgot the name. Anyone care to refresh my memory? >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1216 >># Full metal panic or some shit >> [_] Anon 1277 File: Final_cut.swf-(9.62KB) [IMG] I'm going to try posting a flash for the first time ever. How come no one told me 7chan was back up? >> [_] Anon 1278 >># doing it wrong? >> [_] Anon 1279 File: -..-flash187--4chanvs7chan.swf-(1.85MB, 450x257) [IMG] maybe >> [_] Anon 1414 >># sauce? >> [_] Anon 1415 >># Dj Melodie-Sound Of My Dreams >> [_] Anon 1416 >># Dj Satomi-Sound Of My Dreams is superior >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1471 File: The Charleston to Daft Punk.swf-(3.64MB, 320x240) [IMG] I wonder if I can post over 2Mb yet >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1472 File: portal_lost.swf-(45.31KB, 300x200) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1473 File: taskbah.swf-(114.48KB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 1474 File: whatislove.swf-(2.82MB, 594x511) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 1558 >># >># >># >># >> [_] Anon 1566 >># holy shit, where have i heard that before! where is it from THIS IS KILLING ME! >> [_] Anon 1582 >># THAT was weird!!! as i was clicked on it to load, the same exact song was playing on the radio. >> [_] Anon 1584 >># what the hell i cant pass that level where you have to kill everyone in the time limit it says kill everyone how do i kill not injure? >> [_] Anon 1592 >># it doesnt matter if you kill or injure them. just keep looking. there are a few students that stay in their seats. also some flee in between halls. just keep looking. >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2507 File: The_Assumption_Song.swf-(3.79MB, 550x400, The Assumption Song.swf) [IMG] Bumpan >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2509 File: domo.swf-(66.80KB, 100x75) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2510 File: mmm.swf-(2.41MB, 576x352) [IMG] Tasty meal >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2511 File: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA.swf-(112.88KB, 190x150) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2512 File: konachan.swf-(3.50MB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2513 File: speedycat.swf-(693.55KB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2514 File: rave-o-saurus.swf-(390.14KB, 160x92) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2515 File: not_the_father.swf-(219.54KB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 2516 >># Holy damn crazy shit. My fucking ears. >> [_] Anon 2520 jummy >> [_] A.K.A.!tFj8DP0Frs 2521 >># sauce on fifth button's song >> [_] Anon 2525 >># anyone have the hood version of this? >> [_] Anon 2531 >># Are you fucking kidding? You might as well an hero. Seriously. >> [_] Anon 2553 meh >> [_] A.K.A.!tFj8DP0Frs 2557 >># already am. >ghost typing >> [_] A.K.A.!tFj8DP0Frs 2558 >># already am. >ghost typing >> [_] Anon 2571 >># Oh almighty god please tell me the source. PLEASE. >> [_] Anon 2577 >># lol'd >> [_] Anon 2587 >>#Bump for source. >> [_] Anon 2606 BUMP FOR SOURCE >> [_] Anon 2617 >># I've seen the same flash named "Death from above" in the past. >> [_] Anon 2618 >># That's a different flash, with a different song. >> [_] Anon 2682 >># I nearly shat myself at this one. Also, I want to sex this entire thread for being so awesome. >> [_] Anon 2698 Anyone got Atomic Food? Like a fool I didn't save it when I had the chance. >> [_] Drksrpntdrgn 2705 >># Alright, I admit, I have no idea what song is in that one... sauce? >> [_] Anon 2708 >># Still looking for the music source. >> [_] Anon 2718 >># Metal gear obviously, but which one? Track name? >> [_] Anon 2744 >># MGS 2, it's the opening theme. >> [_] Anon 2745 >># Forgot to mention that part starts late in the track. >> [_] Anon 2783 >># wat sauce? >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey!opsz80pEiE 2815 File: Laughing-yoga.swf-(1.17MB, 639x479) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2816 File: what_we_see.swf-(579.84KB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2818 File: SHARKWITHWHEELS.swf-(3.08MB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2821 File: 7chan.swf-(1.80MB, 640x512) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2822 File: ANONYMOUS.swf-(3.90MB, 720x416) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2823 File: katamari.swf-(681.97KB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2824 File: I_Am_Watching_You_Pee.swf-(821.93KB, 640x480) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2825 File: fluteloop.swf-(1.93MB, 512x384) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2827 File: Hey_No_Biting.swf-(629.52KB, 307x230, Hey No Biting.swf) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2828 File: House.swf-(2.36MB, 700x400) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2829 File: leviathan_MMZ.swf-(391.84KB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2830 File: lucky_note.swf-(3.26MB, 320x240) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2831 File: WHATSUPCHOCOLATE.swf-(303.33KB, 550x400) [IMG] I should stop posting now Be back soon >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2851 File: lolroyce.swf-(73.51KB, 350x93) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2852 File: SOVIET_VICTORY.swf-(231.86KB, 128x95, SOVIET VICTORY.swf) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2853 File: Legend.swf-(130.95KB, 640x480) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 2855 >># Oh shit, sauce on song? >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2857 >># Boss battle from a TMNT game on the SNES. I think. >> [_] Anon 2866 >># There`s a lot of these in the same style floating around. Know with what it was made? Some vid edit program or directly in flash? >> [_] Anon 2875 >># You are correct, sir. TNMNT:Turtles in Time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teenage_Mut ant_Ninja_Turtles:_Turtles_in_Time >> [_] Anon 2881 >># >># >># >># >># >># >># Lol'd at those the most also I love that old beepy bloopy 8bit sound that a lot of those use. I don't really know how else to describe it but I'm sure you know which sound I mean. >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2886 >># 8bit music >> [_] Anon 2887 8bit music/bitpop is now known as "beepy bloopy 8bit sound" >> [_] Anon 2912 File: Death_from_above.swf-(2.55MB, 550x400) [IMG] >># WRONG! DOUCHE BAG! WROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG >> [_] CONTRIBUTAR 2913 File: foxfixed.swf-(321.62KB, 550x400) [IMG] Gentle Jim Stacey, I applaud you for your work on 7chan, you are truly an honored member of our society. Allow me to aid you in your quest to keep this board active Also, sauce on >># >> [_] CONTRIBUTAR 2914 File: BootToTheHead.swf-(2.03MB, 640x480) [IMG] >># Gentleman* my bad. >> [_] CONTRIBUTAR 2915 File: lolicon.swf-(212.91KB, 550x427) [IMG] >> [_] CONTRIBUTAR 2916 File: NEVEROPENED.swf-(1.29MB, 320x240) [IMG] >> [_] CONTRIBUTAR 2917 File: blood_sugar.swf-(567.84KB, 1x1, blood sugar.swf) [IMG] >> [_] CONTRIBUTAR 2918 File: war.swf-(510.58KB, 550x400) [IMG] Lot of duplicates here.... >> [_] CONTRIBUTAR 2919 File: LONGCATBELOOOOOO.swf-(2.33MB, 300x300) [IMG] >> [_] CONTRIBUTAR 2920 File: lolicatgirls_high.swf-(2.54MB, 512x384) [IMG] >> [_] CONTRIBUTAR 2921 File: motoko.swf-(2.75MB, 500x282) [IMG] >> [_] CONTRIBUTAR 2922 File: GENTLEMEN.swf-(37.67KB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] CONTRIBUTAR 2923 File: Pulp_Fiction_Intonation.swf-(1.56MB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] CONTRIBUTAR 2924 File: shock1.swf-(2.29MB, 800x400) [IMG] >> [_] CONTRIBUTAR 2925 File: shock2.swf-(3.10MB, 800x400) [IMG] >> [_] CONTRIBUTAR 2926 File: Dear_Fox_News.swf-(4.02MB, 352x288) [IMG] That'll be all for me, your turn, 7chan. >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2930 File: take.swf-(488.01KB, 599x299) [IMG] >># Aw fuck I have most of these. Why didn't I post them? Also, +post >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2931 File: babby.swf-(403.94KB, 400x300) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2932 File: Don(bkslash)&(number)039;t_Bring_Me_Down .swf-(307.09KB, 720x360, Don\'t Bring Me Down.swf) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2933 File: FUZZY.swf-(269.99KB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2934 File: IMP_FURFAG!!!.swf-(129.90KB, 550x400, IMP FURFAG!!!.swf) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2935 File: in1997.swf-(60.35KB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2936 File: zoomjaprequiem.swf-(3.97MB, 640x480) [IMG] HOW CAN I STILL HAVE SHIT TO POST >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2937 File: RedRoses.swf-(3.02MB, 550x400) [IMG] Surely not >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2938 File: LINK_MAH_BOI.swf-(65.14KB, 400x320) [IMG] WHAT IS GOING ON HERE >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2939 File: Shig.swf-(883.36KB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 2940 >># Anyone know the name of the song? >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2941 File: Yogurting_dance.swf-(3.43MB, 384x288) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2942 File: FUCKING_WRYYYYY.swf-(0.97MB, 621x396) [IMG] Getting harder to post now >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2943 File: Osakaphone.swf-(156.89KB, 400x400) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2944 File: Lucky_Rozen.swf-(1.21MB, 500x380) [IMG] I find this to be most annoying >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2945 File: LuckyStarGundam.swf-(2.77MB, 320x240) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2946 File: Clams.swf-(3.14MB, 550x400) [IMG] Fuck it, I'm going to sleep This lot will have to last you till next time I'm on (probably tomorrow) >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2958 File: YATTA.swf-(671.82KB, 550x400) [IMG] ok I'm back >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2959 File: HappycatMindControl.swf-(303.75KB, 550x400) [IMG] Goddamn connection problems >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2960 File: Dinos.swf-(405.09KB, 450x300) [IMG] Fuck year >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 2984 File: multiplayer_youtube.swf-(170.27KB, 800x400, multiplayer youtube.swf) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 3050 File: Counter_Strike_Crybaby.swf-(2.68MB, 550x400, Counter Strike Crybaby.swf) [IMG] >> [_] HeXeN!Tmm91QTRag 3051 File: Kirby_Hits_From_The_Bong.swf-(1.19MB, 720x480, Kirby Hits From The Bong.swf) [IMG] >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 3143 File: CaramellDance.swf-(349.18KB, 550x400) [IMG] Because F40PH is awesome >> [_] Anon 3151 >># She's not saying meow. She's saying nya neko nya neko nya nya nyao~. >> [_] Anon 3152 >># How do I know that's The Charleston? Signed, - Non-Dancer >> [_] Anon 3154 >># I think I'm going to lose a few hours today watching this. Next time I go to a rave, no one whill know what to make of me. >> [_] Anon 3156 >># Uh, so how do you play this thing? >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 3289 File: lovetester.swf-(102.88KB, 550x416) [IMG] >># Prince and his katamari follow the mouse (Represented by The King) >># I save shit with original filenames Also, timewaster. >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 3319 File: An_Epic_tale_of_Manhood.swf-(1.05MB, 319x239) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 3354 >># source on the 7th button music >># and what is the 5th song? >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 3377 File: MOS_KAU.swf-(882.85KB, 550x400) [IMG] >># 7th button is Dschinghis Khan - Moskau 5th button is Daft Punk - Technologic >> [_] UnNamed 3397 >># Lurk Moar >> [_] Anon 3409 >># Source on this song? >> [_] Anon 3413 >># This shit still doesn't work with Flash Player v10, could someone pls fix this? >> [_] Anon 3414 >># The one good thing to come from Black and White 2. >> [_] Anon 3481 >># I let the invader keep going, it just goes past you and continues down the screen. >> [_] Anon 3505 >># Any possibility for a denegroed version? >> [_] Anon 3529 >># Still looking for the song from this! >> [_] Anon 3535 >># sauce?/ >> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey 3546 >># See >># >> [_] Anon 3587 >># house.swf Boards of Canada - Dayvan Cowboy >> [_] Anon 3592 >># See >># (Although specifically it's from Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu the sequel series to FMP) >> [_] UnNamed 3948 File: 80sguy.swf-(580.59KB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 4375 >># Meow cat meow cat meow meow meow? Sounds a lot like meow to me. >> [_] Anon 4379 >># >># Being a level 1 moon rune interpreter, I am glad to inform you that you're both correct. Nya(n) is meow in Japanese. >> [_] Anon 4388 Hey Gentleman Jim, I've seen you around before. But anyways, I have some loops and classics which I don't think have been posted here yet. I'll see if I can find them. >> [_] Anon 4389 File: !Girl_Happy_Dance.swf-(392.60KB, 214x160, !Girl Happy Dance.swf) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 4390 File: Cow-sputine.swf-(4.68MB, 300x217) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 4391 File: lolicatgirls.swf-(2.54MB, 512x384) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 4392 File: MichaelQuestIV.swf-(4.18MB, 256x224) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 4394 File: slowpoked.swf-(125.77KB, 400x300) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 4395 File: Meet_The_Heavy.swf-(2.34MB, 320x240, Meet The Heavy.swf) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 4396 File: 344_moo.swf-(7.37MB, 500x375) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 4449 >># win >> [_] Anon 4451 File: EEHHMSTM.swf-(1.78MB, 768x576) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 4452 >># That's a bear, dude. >> [_] Anon 4472 File: nazi_kitty.swf-(267.72KB, 278x300) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 4504 >># What's the name of the song? :D >> [_] Anon 4505 >># tanz mit laibach >> [_] Anon 4506 File: garfield.swf-(760.18KB, 446x142) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 4508 >># A remix? Or what? >> [_] Trainer Green 4511 >># It's "Jockel der Gartenteichspringbrunnen" by Jakob Bienenhalm >> [_] Anon 4522 File: kurozukin_haruhi.swf-(4.43MB, 640x480) [IMG] who can resist? >> [_] Anon 4528 >># that was a beautiful set up. >> [_] Anon 4532 >># 4.18 MB?! This better be worth it... >> [_] Anon 4555 >># Littleblackhood Haruhi? I don't get - Oooooohhhh. Now I get it. >># Blargh, sorry. Mixed up nazikittens.swf with that. Jockel was correct. So used to that one being called schrodingermarch.swf >> [_] Anon 4563 >># It was worth it. >> [_] Anon 4674 >># Tell me there's a real version >># Best flash in this thread >> [_] Anon 4720 >># what band/artist is that? >> [_] Anon 4725 >># that would be pendulum >> [_] Anon 4752 >># Oh, you sly dog. >> [_] Anon 4861 WHAT ANIME IS THE PONY THING FROM?! >> [_] Anon 4874 >># Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu Episode 8 to be precise. It's amazing how google works. >> [_] Anon 4880 >># well, aren't you a lifesaver? :p >> [_] Anon 4894 >># Jesus christ, I'm actually nauseous after watching this. >> [_] Anon 5068 >># name of song? >> [_] Anon 5069 >># What's the name of the song when the shoop starts? >> [_] Anon 5071 >># Sauce of song in this one? >> [_] Q!4cHaN0LREs 5087 >># >># >># More commonly called r0x.swf, sauce is in my sauces.txt file: http://tastypie.kicks-ass.net/swf/sauces .txt >># That's "suddenly guitar 2.swf" And the sauce of that is Machinae Supremacy - Death From Above >># Cool & Create - Help Me Erin >># >># I THINK I've got the sauce file on my computer somewhere, but It's not in sauces.txt yet. I'll try to remember to poast again if I find it. >># >># More commonly called OHGODICANSEEFOREVER.swf Music is Boards of Canada - Dayvan Cowboy >># Basshunter - I Can Walk on Water, I Can Fly >># >># The Sleeping - Don't Hold Back >>this Aphex Twin - Fenixfunk 5 >># >># >># I'd like to know too... >># Some remix of the numa numa song (Dragostea Din Tei) Anybody know it? >> [_] Q!4cHaN0LREs 5088 File: houseface.swf-(1.85MB, 624x352) [IMG] >># >># >># More commonly called r0x.swf, sauce is in my sauces.txt file: http://tastypie.kicks-ass.net/swf/sauces .txt >># That's "suddenly guitar 2.swf" And the sauce of that is Machinae Supremacy - Death From Above >># Cool & Create - Help Me Erin >># >># I THINK I've got the sauce file on my computer somewhere, but It's not in sauces.txt yet. I'll try to remember to poast again if I find it. >># >># More commonly called OHGODICANSEEFOREVER.swf Music is Boards of Canada - Dayvan Cowboy >># Basshunter - I Can Walk on Water, I Can Fly >># >># The Sleeping - Don't Hold Back >>this Aphex Twin - Fenixfunk 5 >># >># >># I'd like to know too... >># Some remix of the numa numa song (Dragostea Din Tei) Anybody know it? >> [_] Q!4cHaN0LREs 5089 File: Bottle.Fairy.swf-(613.41KB, 633x464) [IMG] >># Bah, can't delete double post because I didn't set the password. So here's another random flash. [Return] [Entire Thread] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts] |