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Threads (15):
File: volare-karaoke.swf-(527 KB, 550x400, Other) [_] Anon 3498828 >> [_] Anon 3498831 >># A cultural treasure, thanks for posting anon.
File: volare-karaoke.swf-(527 KB, 550x400, Other) [_] Anon 3472508 >> [_] Anon 3472511 >># simple kino. >> [_] Anon 3472512 cool and nice >> [_] Anon 3472535 song sauce? >> [_] Anon 3472559 >># Darude - Sandstorm >> [_] Anon 3472562 Best thing ive seen all day
File: volare-karaoke.swf-(527 KB, 550x400, Other) [_] what's the name of that loud ass chinese flute or whatever shit y'all always post here bowl R aye 3422569 srsly tho >> [_] Anon 3422584 >># Muy buen. >> [_] Anon 3422585 >># you must be thinking of takeo ischi >> [_] bowl R aye 3422592 >># no not the yodeling nigga, the one that's earrape levels and it's a high-pitched wind instrument >> [_] Anon 3422593 >># oh, that's just iron man 1994 theme put on full blast >> [_] bowl R aye 3422597 >># nah brah, the shit sounds like a shitty kazoo >> [_] its xiao mei mei 3422599 >># >tfw no boat >> [_] Anon 3422608 >># Here ya go >># >> [_] Anon 3422611 >># >69 it's xiao mei mei If you ever forget look up chinese trumpet on youtube >> [_] Anon 3422612 Couldn't sit through that Spic shit long enough to hear what you were talking about. >> [_] Anon 3422616 >># Yeah, the Gypsy Kings butchered the FUCK out of an otherwise great canzone d'amore.
File: volare-karaoke.swf-(527 KB, 550x400, Other) [_] anyone wanna make oc together? Anon 3412861 this thread > http://archive.4plebs.org/f/thread/34125 23/ has really inspired me. if anyone can make a mashup of the audios, i can make the visuals Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3412887 >># ok but please.. use the original lyrics, these arent correct, here i'll link u the correct ones.. i'm italian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-Bmb_4Z z-c >> [_] Anon 3412893 >># that's the joke, it's missheard lyrics >> [_] Anon 3412937 >># OP is a spanish arrangement >> [_] /f/ in a nutshell 3412943 updated list feel free to scramble it up or remove superfluous lines https://pastebin.com/GSBfLn3d >> [_] Anon 3412944 >># As a Spanish it hurts to see this but it's so funny at the same time
File: volare-karaoke.swf-(527 KB, 550x400, Other) [_] Anon 3377352 >> [_] Anon 3377353 >># i really hate the song but that made me laugh >> [_] Anon 3377354 >># Why do you hate that song? Overall not your cup of tea? >> [_] Anon 3377356 >># Not really, i think it's objectively a good melody but when i hear it it triggers some kind of 'misophonia'. I even remember getting mad at my own mother when she used to hum it. It may come from all those soccer chants with that melody, I don't know what the original is actually about. >> [_] Anon 3377361 >># Well, to each their own I guess. I randomly found this following youtube videos, and I have loved it ever since. I sometimes go on a tangent to know why some people don't like songs. It's interesting to hear some of the back stories.
File: volare-karaoke.swf-(527 KB, 550x400, Other) [_] Anon 3197839 >> [_] Anon 3197998 I used to work in a kitchen and there were these 3 chefs above me and the nicest one was this A+ shortstack from argentina who constantly played this song. >> [_] Anon 3198013 >># Is this you >>#?
File: volare-karaoke.swf-(527 KB, 550x400, Other) [_] sing along! Anon 2911543 >> [_] Anon 2911545 >Song: Volare >Artist: Gypsy Kings >> [_] Anon 2911560 I appreciate this flash >> [_] Anon 2911563 kinda nostalgia'd
/ > /show/ > Thread 6747 Age: 56.44d Health: 47% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 1+2 >> Anon 18304 This song has been stuck in my head for a few days now. [IMG] volare-karaoke.swf (539.7 KiB) 550x400, Uncompressed. 4358 frames, 20 fps (03:38). Ver5, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive]
File: volare-karaoke.swf-(527 KB, 550x400, Other) [_] Anon 2607107 >> [_] silly face poster 2607128 holy wow the nostalgia... the first time I saw this flas was a good day >> [_] Anon 2607149 >># ché felicita
File: Volare Karaoke.swf-(527 KB, 550x400, Loop) [_] Volare Anon 2514938 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2514957 >># 2004, we meet again. It's been too long >> [_] Anon 2514988 VOOOOLAREEEEEE OOO OOOOO CANTAREEEEEEEE OOOOOOOOOOOO >> [_] Anon 2515020 man i love this song, used to listen to it with my dad... before he moved to guatemala.... >> [_] Anon 2515107 fucking lol'd
File: volare-karaoke.swf-(527 KB, Other) [_] Sing along! Anon 1889196 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1889264 -----------O------ ------O-------O-- O----------------- >> [_] Anon 1889283 Spaces would have been nice.. >> [_] Anon 1889325 >># I suspect this is a German interpretation of a Spanish song. The lack of spaces proves this much. Also, 'klatschen'. >> [_] Anon 1889335 oddly catchy. now it is stuck in my head. the lyrics are still gibberish obviously. >> [_] Anon 1889367 They're Italian. >> [_] Anon 1889411 GIPSY KINGS YES
File: volare-karaoke.swf-(527 KB, Other) [_] Anon 1838182 >> [_] Anon 1838267 HOLY SHIT, I HAVENT SEEN THIS IN AGES! >> [_] Anon 1838274 Far more hilarious than it has any right to be. >> [_] Not Same Guy !TJ9qoWuqvA 1838312 olehblh cuilgwachb lihaw;juhpaoufwea awfwaegfg >> [_] Anon 1838428 lol german, that's why it sucked so hard >> [_] Anon 1838464 fucking krukki >> [_] Anon 1838494 interpreting spanish with german grammar - specifically the part where you can just fucking make up bigass words on the spot
File[Karaoke With Me.swf] - (540 KB) [_] [L] Everybody Sing! Anon 1618570 >> [_] Anon 1618635 song in spanish... lyrics in gibberishgerman? the hell is this fuck? >> [_] Anon 1618705 I love Volare. Not from some spics though. >> [_] Anon 1618732 im spanish, and find this fucking hilarous also some parts are not in spanish >> [_] Anon 1618734 isn't the original song italian? also pretty funny 'cause I'm italian and the lyrics seem like they're right >> [_] Anon 1618785 >># yup :D :D :D >> [_] Anon 1618833 El Principe Gitano que grande!!!
File[it's friday - karaoke with me.swf] - (540 KB) [_] [L] Friday Karaoke! Anon 1597603 >> [_] Anon 1597615 what language is this? Some of it looks like german... >> [_] Anon 1597620 it there any youtube version? I want to add it in my Favorite list! >> [_] Anon 1597623 >people haven't heard this song before ...What the actual fuck >> [_] Anon 1597635 It sounds kinda cuban to me. >># The german is just the flash author's notes/explanations. >> [_] Anon 1597666 People, the song is Volare. A slightly older italian song covered by everyone and their mothers. This flash looks like it was made for a german audience, since the lyrics are ridiculous. Literally, the song translates into "I will fly". >> [_] Anon 1597667 Most of the song is actually in Spanish. The words in this flash are... well, i guess an attempt to phonetically translate it by some German dude. The chorus is in Italian, like the original. Song name is Nel blu dipinto di blu, commonly called Volare - original was by Domenico Modugno. This cover is called Volare, done by the Gipsy Kings. Enjoy. >> [_] Anime Hater fag 1597717 me gusta! >> [_] Anon 1597723 >># Not "I will fly" but "to fly."
File :[volare-karaoke.swf] - (540 KB) [_] [L] Anon 983977 this hasn't been posted for 10 months, its a classic Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 984003 Cool >> [_] Anon 984012 can't read that fast when the goddamn lyrics are a single line >> [_] Anon 984056 Iluvthishitandihadtosingalongwiththelyri csandplayalongwithmygitar gitarensolo >> [_] Anon 984058 Sounds like Spanish. >> [_] Anon 984093 its "gypsy kings" even people who speak Spanish don't have much of an idea what the fuck they're saying, which is what makes this funny. >> [_] Anon 984126 that was awesome >> [_] Anon 984127 VO LA RE O O >> [_] Anon 984132 this is not spanish, I think it's euskera (Basque Country language) |