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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource DESHZ74, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:4/5 -2009 20:23:32
15.8 years ago.

Ended:5/5 -2009 00:48:51
15.8 years ago.

Checked:12/5 -2009 21:47:42
15.8 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 9.
Discovered flash files: 1

There are 2 links ending with .swf in this thread (1 more than the discovered amount of flash files).

File :[~flow~ Amoeba Game.swf] - (48 KB)
[_] [G] Pandemic 2 hack inside Anonymous 05/04/09(Mon)13:14 No.971549

  This is the requested Pandemic 2 hack. Click the Windows icon in the lower left corner and follow
  the instructions for infinite evo points.

  Enjoy, Anon.

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 05/04/09(Mon)14:08 No.971589

  no download version ?!

>> [_] Anonymous 05/04/09(Mon)14:11 No.971593

  File > Save Page As

>> [_] Anonymous 05/04/09(Mon)14:16 No.971596

  does not work you failtard
  all I get is a 125Byte file of nothing
  try it out

>> [_] Anonymous 05/04/09(Mon)15:19 No.971642

  it does work, its a shell file. it contains only actionscripts and load the real game when run

  its a lazy hack, could be done with javascript in your web browser. it just sets the evolution
  points to 9999 or 99999, dont remember

>> [_] Anonymous 05/04/09(Mon)16:15 No.971681

  About the actual game posted here...
  What do I do after I eat the centipede guy?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/04/09(Mon)16:25 No.971690


  This is a fux'd up version of this particular game. If you look online for the full game, you can
  play as different species of Amoeba things after you beat the big nigger under the ocean.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/04/09(Mon)17:07 No.971750

  i beat it

>> [_] penisale 05/04/09(Mon)17:27 No.971789

  fuck this, there is no music or sounds
  just look up the game itself to download it, it is freeware anyway

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Created: 4/5 -2009 20:23:32 Last modified: 12/5 -2009 21:53:55 Server time: 15/03 -2025 04:57:27