File :[Star Worse.swf] - (2.65 MB)
[_] [?] /r/ inside. Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)22:15 No.982313
Anybody know the source of the lulzy musical scene in this? Yes yes, song is Deus Irae, from
Mozart's Requiem, but what's the anime?
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)23:16 No.982377
It's from History's Strongest Discple Kenichi. It's pretty fucking good lol.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)23:16 No.982380
I suck and spelled Disciple wrong.
>> [_] The Laziest Troll 05/19/09(Tue)02:16 No.982473
Kinda makes me wanna start watching Japanese cartoons again.