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This is resource G9JK6QJ, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:7/6 -2009 15:10:31

Ended:7/6 -2009 20:59:47

Checked:27/6 -2009 23:37:16

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 27.
Discovered flash files: 1

File :[!Umbrella Dance!.swf] - (6.36 MB)
[_] [L] umbrella Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)08:08 No.999026

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)08:12 No.999028

  I would pound her pussy forever. Look at that little butt go. Wiggle wiggle. It'd feel awesome to
  have her on top, wiggling away on your dick like that. She's a lithe and eager slut, begging for

  I love these sexy dance videos. They show that such girls really are sexy teases that need, want,
  and are inviting a good hard dicking.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)08:14 No.999030

  nice tight pussy + firm body + nice moves + keen to please = awesome night's fucking

  that bed of hers would be broken before i'd finished

>> [_] Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)08:18 No.999031

  I bet that little cum-guzzling whore made a lot of boys happy at her school. Heck, I bet she made
  daddy smile on occasion too. Maybe this dance is part of his birthday present? ;)

>> [_] Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)08:22 No.999032

  I'd put my penis in it.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)08:28 No.999033


  Same 40~50 year old pervert faggot.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)08:29 No.999034

  this is a accurate depiction of what life is like if your a hot girl.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)08:37 No.999040


  In the world of the 4chan Moralfag looking at or appreciating a girl is APPALLING AND SHOCKING. I
  can't imagine why you are even here.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)08:42 No.999046


  only 40-50 year old gay men have a sex drive? lulwut?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)08:46 No.999048

  women are objects and they know it. what else is on?

>> [_] !yN4GIWssAs 06/07/09(Sun)08:56 No.999052

  /r/ on the song.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)09:01 No.999054

  It's raining (rainin')
  Ooh baby it's raining (rainin')
  Baby come into me (oh)
  Come into me
  It's raining(na na)
  Oh baby it's raining(na na)
  You can always some into me
  Come into me

  now, did i find crappy written lyrics or does she actually sing that but in a way to make it
  sound like "you can always cum in me" or "you can always command me"? because i don't hear "some
  into me" and that doesn't even make sense??

>> [_] Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)09:03 No.999056
  Rihanna - Umbrella Jody den Broeder Lush Club Remix
  15.38 MiB 320 kbps VBR

>> [_] Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)09:42 No.999071


  The lyrics you find online on those specialist sites are notoriously bad. I think they are all
  listening on WW1 vintage radios.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)10:28 No.999094

  She read about doing this in Cosmo.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)10:49 No.999098

  yay full version

>> [_] Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)11:31 No.999109

  white girls can't dance.


>> [_] Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)11:48 No.999122

  She's not white. South American.
  She's also very ugly close up. VERY VERY UGLY.
  This is also very old so do not post it.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)12:35 No.999147

  The smaller they are, the sweeter and tighter the pussy. I love this. Please post more like this.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)12:37 No.999149



>> [_] Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)12:38 No.999151


  She's not South American. She's hotter than you too.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)12:40 No.999152


  she looks white. i'm pretty sure she is. feel free to try and prove your claim, otherwise i'm
  assuming you're just trolling.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)12:58 No.999160

  That's her.
  Anon Delivers.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)13:04 No.999165


  Look, a bunch of 4channers that actually think they can get their dick wet in something like this
  in their lifetime, Hahaha. oh wait.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)13:08 No.999170


  Oh look, an upset moralfag trying to troll. How adorable. :3

>> [_] Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)13:13 No.999176

  You fail to comprehend the logic behind my "oh wait" go die

>> [_] Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)13:27 No.999191

Created: 7/6 -2009 15:10:31 Last modified: 28/6 -2009 02:52:44 Server time: 11/03 -2025 07:02:17