File :[Row row fight da powah.swf] - (7.38 MB)
[_] [?] /r/ inside Anonymous 05/24/09(Sun)00:38 No.986035
/r/ing that video where they give that girl a coffee enema and make her drink it
in return, something
>> [_] Anonymous 05/24/09(Sun)02:18 No.986105
I see /v/ has quite an inflated opinion of themselves.
I guess they haven't noticed that the rest of the boards look at them like the tag-along little
brother that your actual friend was forced to bring along.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/24/09(Sun)02:52 No.986123
lol consoles dont combine faggot, I lol'd
>> [_] Anonymous 05/24/09(Sun)03:52 No.986162
I really wish people would stop renaming flashes. It should be "V-rage.swf".
>> [_] Anonymous 05/24/09(Sun)03:54 No.986166
saved reguardless
>> [_] Anonymous 05/24/09(Sun)03:55 No.986168
You'd get the joke if you weren't such a newfag.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/24/09(Sun)08:14 No.986311