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This is resource GOJ470Z, a Archived Thread.
Original location: http://cgi.4chan.org/f/res/957253.html Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 3. Discovered flash files: 1
File :[[H]50.swf] - (2.56 MB) [_] [H] /r/ inside Anonymous 04/19/09(Sun)18:41 No.957253 source? >> [_] Anonymous 04/19/09(Sun)19:47 No.957301 Anti Demon Ninjas, episode 1. It's the same guy that did Dark Love and Princess 69 and one or two other things. It's good stuff, but there's only two decent tentacle scenes in the whole series, both are in the first, and neither is very long. >> [_] Anonymous 04/19/09(Sun)21:37 No.957388 Also did Seifuku Shojou, etc. |