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This is resource HSHP9DF, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:30/4 -2009 08:33:01

Ended:30/4 -2009 20:35:03

Checked:23/5 -2009 16:15:07

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 22.
Discovered flash files: 1

File :[OkashinaFlash01-All.swf] - (2.67 MB)
[_] [L] Transformation Anonymous 04/30/09(Thu)01:19 No.967692

  Guy transforms into a girl wearing a wedding suit. For no apparent reason.

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/09(Thu)02:04 No.967715

  sauce? moar? anything?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/09(Thu)02:11 No.967720

  bride transformation fetish...

  leave it to the japanese

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/09(Thu)02:36 No.967732

  I think I found it in 5chan like 4 years ago.
  Recently found it and decided to upload it.

>> [_] NotAnon !BQh/TPuMX6 04/30/09(Thu)02:45 No.967739

  i have no idea why i watched the entire thing

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/09(Thu)02:46 No.967740

  I lol'ed.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/09(Thu)02:57 No.967749

  OMG, this happens to me like EVERY day

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/09(Thu)05:40 No.967808


>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/09(Thu)06:30 No.967834

  i would shit my pants

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/09(Thu)07:29 No.967865


  i'm not japanese, but i like it <3
  dont know y XD

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/09(Thu)07:38 No.967869


>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/09(Thu)07:50 No.967877


>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/09(Thu)08:06 No.967890

  first off I thought it was gonna end at the female transformation

  second, wtf do you do/say after something like that happens to you?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/09(Thu)08:28 No.967901

  this is a legitimate fetish

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/09(Thu)08:33 No.967905

  What the dicks

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/09(Thu)09:43 No.967941

  High heeled sneakers.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/09(Thu)11:30 No.967989

  take care, u may be next one!

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/09(Thu)11:56 No.968004

  dude wtf

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/09(Thu)12:41 No.968027

  So you're now a chick in a wedding dress in a subway... now what?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/09(Thu)13:03 No.968049

  Isn't it obvious? You wait until one of the ladies on the train turns into your groom, and get


>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/09(Thu)13:12 No.968052


  You continue to act as if nothing happened throughout the rest of the day, and when you come home
  you get naked and throw yourself into the first couch or bed you can get to and shlick furiously
  for hours

>> [_] Anonymous 04/30/09(Thu)13:17 No.968054

  Spontaneous Transbridification is an epidemic sweeping Japan. Every year 17,000 Asian males
  transform into blushing brides at work, on the train, or even in their own homes.
  Please, wear these plaid ribbons to promote Transbridification Awareness and help find a cure.
Created: 30/4 -2009 08:33:01 Last modified: 23/5 -2009 16:20:28 Server time: 13/03 -2025 10:20:16