File :[lolicon.swf] - (213 KB)
[_] [H] Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)02:06 No.930886
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)02:11 No.930889
oh you
>> [_] sage sage 03/23/09(Mon)04:01 No.930986
>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)04:37 No.931021
>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)06:00 No.931063
I see a pedo
>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)06:14 No.931075
Drat, foiled again!
*Twirls mustache*
>> [_] Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)09:56 No.931171
Ooooh... I get it, it's the internet abbreviation for "laugh out loud" and the name of the art
used for files and folders as part of a graphical file system. As opposed to a romanized Japanese
name for pedofiles and that which they lust after...
LoL icon!