File :[H! (Dog version).swf] - (780 KB)
[_] [H] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)04:49 No.963725
As requested by anon, I remade this so it's a dog raping the girl instead of a guy.
I dont know if I drew i right though.
I suck at drawing paws.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)05:02 No.963729
You should have it where he gets knotted inside her,otherwise great job
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)05:05 No.963732
i like how the beginning looks like she got chopped in half
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)05:06 No.963733
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)05:15 No.963737
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)05:16 No.963738
Hey OP, nice work on this/the original flash.
I like your art style too.
I heard you didn't have a site, and didn't know html.
It's simple as shit, you only need to know two tags.
<a> is the tag that makes links.
<a href="">link<a>
Put a url in the quotes, done.
<br> drops you down a line. Paragraphs. Done.
You know HTML enough to run a site.
If you need a free host, is pretty sweet.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)05:26 No.963742
But, I think its to early to run a site right now. Thanks anyway!
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)05:53 No.963756
why you want him to make site?
better register in one of 3 biggest hentai artist galleries
according to your skill and subject I'd suggest creating gallery on hentai foundry
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)05:59 No.963758
Beast anon here, Great Job and Biiiiig thanks! :D
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)06:10 No.963766
OP here agian.
Hentai foundry is "currently in read-only mode", so I cant register.
Glad that you like it!
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)06:13 No.963770
Sauce on other flashes an the first version..
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)06:18 No.963772
I LOVE IT! man, you should make much more in flash! :D
I hope that is not last flash You made for us.. It's Awesome!
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)06:29 No.963773
That's truely awesome. And that knotting is gigahot. So fuck correct drawn paws. Who needs them?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)06:29 No.963774
Thanks :3
I'm planning to make another were you can choose between different girls and do different stuff
to them...!
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)06:39 No.963778
In case i won't be on 4chan next time you post your awesome flashes, could you just add to your
works a prefix so i could find it later on swfchan? Choose yourself any pseudonym, how about
that? And post it here.
-Best regards.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)06:39 No.963779
"(Dog Version)" leads me to believe there is something similar to this flash out there, and since
searching swfchan for H! isn't an option, would an Anon like to post or link me to it?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)06:46 No.963782
"currently in read-only mode"
shit happens but maybe they adding some new features?
wait some time
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)06:47 No.963783
Prefix? Pseudonym? I don't know what it is, or how to do that, please explain?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)06:51 No.963784
Not just posting a flash that is named "new h!" or something like that. But adding to the title
of flashes you made "[Johnny] H!" where H! is the title of new flash and Johnny is your name or
nick or pseudonym.
Then it'll be easier to find your flashes for anons who missed them in /f/. For this anon >>9
63779, for exemple.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)06:55 No.963786
Ah, I see. I will do that in the future.
Argh, cant post it, because of "Double entry" or whatever the reason was.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)06:58 No.963788
Then could you post your probable nick here. I believe i won't be on the internets next time
you'll post something. So how will i know what to search? Post your nick here, please.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)07:01 No.963790
Oh, uhh, lets see...
"Rock Candy".
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)07:04 No.963791
Only 3 hits on swfchan for "Rock Candy", that would work.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)07:07 No.963792
Thank you a lots and lots! Now i won't miss such a great fap-material!
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)07:08 No.963793
Because 4chan doesn't any differences between H! and H![DV] :\ you have to wait for delete dog
version or upload to megaupload or somewhere..
I think you should add some contact in end of flsh game, maybe email or sth :) You are going to
be famous in flashcommunity IMO ;)
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)07:25 No.963800
Meh. I'll rename the file and try again.
To "Rock Candy [H!]" or something.
Too lazy to add contact in these, I'll add contact stuff in the next one.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)07:36 No.963806
:D okay
Oh, i've got some private question.
Do you feel free in all sexual contents?
I meant, Dont mind to make beastiality, heterosexual or whatever flashes?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)07:54 No.963810
It didn't work to rename the file. ARgh.
Well, not everything, but a lot of things.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)07:56 No.963811
Animals [M] with women is okay? or furry females? :3
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)08:03 No.963814
Is MU an option? I would even take an RS. . .
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)08:04 No.963817
do more
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)08:17 No.963821
Animals on women is OKay. Dont know about furry females, I've never to draw that.
OKay, just wait a little.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)08:33 No.963829
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)08:37 No.963832
and extras
I love you.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)08:39 No.963834
Great :D
I'll be waiting for some new beast flashes :)
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)09:20 No.963861
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)09:31 No.963870
I /r/'d more options, not furfaggotry
there seems to be less options and more furfaggotry
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)09:33 No.963871
So much faggotry...this thread makes me want to kill myself.
Look what has become of 4chan
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)09:34 No.963873
This is just an edited version.
I haven't even started on a new one yet. But there will be more options in the new one.
>> [_] Gentleman Jim Stacey !TRiPFAG.zo 04/26/09(Sun)09:52 No.963883
Sounds good man
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)10:17 No.963896
fucking awesome, <3 op
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)10:20 No.963897
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)10:21 No.963899
very nice OP if you got more send em on
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)10:35 No.963910
the first one was better
without the dogcock.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)10:53 No.963919
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)12:01 No.963977
i also like the way you draw girls, im afraid to say.
pissed that you cant slap away her hand though.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)12:09 No.963982
>> [_] Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:33 No.964076
got any BJ