File :[TikiParty IMAGES.swf] - (72 KB)
[_] [H] thar you go, lazy fuckers Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)04:42 No.943210
for >fag######
>> [_] Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)04:46 No.943213
Thanks brah, time to go slap the soldier.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)05:21 No.943222
Thanks... and you're were right the pics aren't that great.
The look amazing though when you earn them.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)05:23 No.943223
Maybe cause you're still paying attention to the game, I thought some of them looked hotter too D:
>> [_] Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)11:37 No.943409
shit, thank God i didn't lose my time playing that shity game just to see that shitty pics
>> [_] Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)11:55 No.943420
>> [_] Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)11:56 No.943422
Thanks dude.