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File TheSlave.swf - (1.14MB , 500x500 )
[IMG][_] Anonymous 09/04/11(Sat)08:24 No. 108
/fl/ needs a porn thread so here goes
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/29(Wed)17:08 No. 1093
File peachstripslotshack.swf - (778.27KB , 625x490 )
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/29(Wed)17:12 No. 1094
File simbrothel_fixed.swf - (7.14MB , 550x400 )
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/29(Wed)17:32 No. 1095
I want the secret ending but hard is way too hard for me and basically just not fun at all. Sex
games that require you to focus on something nothing to do with the sex suck.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/29(Wed)17:54 No. 1096
Why doesn't Princess Peach have any toes?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/29(Wed)20:51 No. 1102
Fail. Try clicking on the tokens to the left of the screen, they make even hard mode easy.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/30(Thu)20:37 No. 1160
Wow, this ones actually fun besides the porn, and fucking COMPLEX!
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/30(Thu)22:38 No. 1162
once you get to the special ending, you have to push a button faster than humanly possible.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/05/02(Sat)07:38 No. 1220
Fuck, I want to see the special ending! I've got a mouse that's just right for clicking inhumanly
fast. (1 click on a button equals 3 fast clicks.)
>> [_] Anonymous 09/05/02(Sat)15:16 No. 1241
>> [_] Anonymous 09/05/03(Sun)01:14 No. 1266
Need guides
>> [_] Anonymous 09/05/03(Sun)01:33 No. 1268
I've been playing easy and so far it's been living up to the label. I don't actually know what my
ultimate goal is so I don't know if I'm on-track, but I am pretty far along to owning everything
a decent amount of time before day 300 or 200 or whatever. It could still use some more
transparency on what vaguely-described properties etc. do exactly. One tip though: save before
every end of the day and reload if the joker, mission or random event you get sucks. The missions
aren't close to being balanced. One mission had me get a bunch of eighth-level hookers, which
seems to require the last building (and a bunch of appropriate hookers, some more money, and
turns), and then when I reloaded, the mission had me just save up like a third of the money that
the last building costs.
Overall, it's a pretty shitty spreadsheet game with dumb menus and no proper overview of things
and the only reward seems to be somewhere between one to three hentai images for each prostitute,
of which you can always find a higher quality version by Google image searching the hooker's name.
Also, your money can go into the negatives when upkeep outweighs income and that doesn't seem to
have any negative effects, other than that you don't have any money to buy things with.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/05/05(Tue)11:22 No. 1422
I was able to click fast enough on the bar to see the special ending finisher, it was very
disappointing. Seems like the trick is to immediately start clicking on the button as soon as the
bar appears (put your pointer over on the left side to get to it fast) and keep constantly
clicking before the bar drops too far down. It's about being persistent right at the very
beginning, but all in all the ending sucked. Never knew Hentaikey had other flashes besides Zone
>> [_] Anonymous 09/05/06(Wed)14:31 No. 1518
Anyone have any other games similar to Sim Brothel?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/05/06(Wed)14:40 No. 1521
The only one I know that's similar is slave maker and slave maker 2 but that can't be uploaded
>> [_] Anonymous 09/05/06(Wed)19:18 No. 1542
Fucking hell. I start a hard game, click a coin, and when I click the button on the g spot, it
cuts to "one year later" even with 10 pleasure.
Shit game is shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/05/06(Wed)19:23 No. 1543
How do I stop the slots?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/05/06(Wed)20:38 No. 1547
Different game.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/05/16(Sat)02:14 No. 1931
The creator's apparently making a sequel, but I don't think it's out yet. I think this is the dev
page for it: http://forums.funny-games.biz/sim-brothel-v2-t16239.html
>> [_] Anonymous 09/05/16(Sat)22:35 No. 1945
if i could at least BEGIN it it would be way better
>> [_] XMonkey!SWkiBwGM0M 09/05/17(Sun)21:46 No. 1987
click on her robe then her tits for a few clicks and you can start it up
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/10(Wed)11:53 No. 2742
Laughed my ass off at the fail ending.
Though I agree with those who say the 'special ending' is crap. Too much work not enough payoff.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/11(Thu)19:57 No. 2789
>>loose lives
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/12(Fri)04:13 No. 2805
The secret ending wasn't really that good. You hang her up in some chains by her hands and do her
from behind, then you gotta click the meter thingy to come.
To get the secret ending you have to:
1. Have 5 coins.
2. Be in the "very fast state" before you reach the 100% pleasure level.
3. The slave must also be in please (her face will give that away).
4. Should be done in hard mode, but can be done in normal (very slim chance of achieving secret
ending in normal mode).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/12(Fri)08:17 No. 2810
Slave game was piss, did it on hard first time round, what's the trouble?
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