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This is resource KR6U3Q0, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:22/4 -2009 19:29:05

Ended:23/4 -2009 02:48:02

Checked:30/4 -2009 13:00:13

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 20.
Discovered flash files: 1

File :[03.swf] - (997 KB)
[_] [H] /r/ Uboa flash loop with the funky music Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)12:27 No.960192

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)13:08 No.960208

  wut do i do lol

>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)14:10 No.960249


>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)15:12 No.960279

  How do you increase the other shapes besides circle?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)15:54 No.960305

  how do i get the top circle

>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)17:18 No.960389

  please bump

>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)17:22 No.960392

  souce plox

  and, /r/ing moar sadistic games

>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)17:46 No.960409

  Guide to the game:
  There are 9 levels, at each of them, you gain access to special options (ie: stuff a snake up her
  twat, fist her, fist her ass, make her shit, pee in a cup and make her drink it, etc...) to
  complete a level, you have to reduce all eight wedges of the top circle, by performing the action
  related to that circle. Their actions are, in clockwise order from the top:

  Top: Her orgasms
  Top-left: Your orgasms
  Left: Pain from candle-wax
  Bot-left: Enemas
  Bot: Pain from whipping
  Bot-right: Things being stuffed in her ass.
  Right: Things being stuffed in her twat
  Top-right: Licking her (twat, ass, or breast)

  (continued next post)

>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)17:52 No.960414

  The controls along the lower left area allow you to decide what to use on her - three grey,
  yellow, orange, red, and brown, they represent, in order, the Whip, Candle, Tongue, fingers,
  Dildos, Penis, and Enema.

  For the pussy and ass, you have to start with licking (on each, yes, you have to lick her ass
  before you can give her an enema to clean her up...) and move up the scale as the relevant circle
  grows and changes colors (you can only use "tools" up to the color of the circle for that hole.)

  Achieving specials also requires certain circumstances. For example, level two gives you access
  to the "snake" special - to get it, you have to have finished off the "whip" and "candle" wedges,
  and gotten her twat up to the point where you can fuck her - then the button for "snake" (below
  the "whip" one) will appear, and clicking it does what you'd imagine. Further levels give access
  to further buttons, as well as other changes.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)17:53 No.960415

  Final comments:

  If you make it to level 9, she's now smiling and enjoying what you're doing to her, and you've
  got extra buttons to add cat ears, or turn her pregnancy on and off. Once you've cleared a level,
  that gets stored in a flash cookie, and you can re-visit that level from the start screen by
  clicking the lower of the two "start" options, and clicking the number for that level.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)17:57 No.960423

  so, guys, bump some other bdsm hentai games

>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)18:00 No.960426

  You got the directions backwards

>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)18:04 No.960431

  What do I have to do for the symbol in the top right? I can't seem to get it to raise at all

>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)18:04 No.960434

  err... yeah, I sometimes have trouble with left vs. right... giving me directions while driving
  is dangerous...

>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)18:06 No.960436

  uhh is it just me or is /b/ frozen?

  other boards refesh and show new posts but for some reason, /b/ wont

  p.s if it is frozen for u guys too then >>>/b/133350403 has an awesome cp

>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)18:27 No.960470

  I remember 2 or 3 moar gameslike this , anyone can post them, or the game they're from?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)18:47 No.960493

  Is there a hack for this?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)18:50 No.960501

  I can't seem to get to level two, how do I get there?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)19:31 No.960538

  god damn you gotta do all the triangles for each lv

>> [_] Anonymous 04/22/09(Wed)19:45 No.960555

  i just have the two orgams wedges left.. how many for each?
Created: 22/4 -2009 19:29:05 Last modified: 30/4 -2009 13:00:16 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:26:11