File :[crab.swf] - (608 KB)
[_] [L] Now that I've lost your attention Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)07:53 No.1001987
Anyone know of a good SWF hosting site I can join that has direct hotlinking as a feature? Google
just gives me ads, ads, ads, flash tutorials, and flash tutorials to ad-making.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)08:55 No.1002000
Sorry OP no idea
I haven't been on in years, thanks for the flashback
>> [_] Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)10:10 No.1002061
sauce on music?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)10:15 No.1002065
Try something like
or even a host like Badongo, that allows you to show the swf files directly (and a DD link next
to the video zone).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)12:18 No.1002130
Seconded, I need this
>> [_] Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)12:29 No.1002142
>> [_] Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)12:30 No.1002144
Craaaaab people... craaaab people... walk like craaaab... talk like people.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)13:14 No.1002177
"Soviet Army Chorus - Song of the plains"