File :[miku.v4.swf] - (377 KB)
[_] [L] try to keep it down! Anonymous 05/04/09(Mon)21:34 No.972123
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/04/09(Mon)22:17 No.972183
song sauce?
>> [_] Your Sageness, Ofu !!Oqx976B5UhW 05/04/09(Mon)22:17 No.972184
Touch You Right Now
>> [_] Your Sageness, Ofu !!Oqx976B5UhW 05/04/09(Mon)22:18 No.972186
by Basic Element
>> [_] Anonymous 05/04/09(Mon)22:22 No.972192
Flawless looping is fucking flawless, and made of god and win
>> [_] Your Sageness, Ofu !!Oqx976B5UhW 05/04/09(Mon)22:24 No.972196
>> [_] Anonymous 05/04/09(Mon)22:29 No.972206
Methinks they did a great job of putting it into 377 Kb too. I guess the gif part has something
like a 12 color pallet, it's good enough though.
This is the new Mikuroll.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)00:59 No.972380
I wouldn't say flawless. The outer ring touches the corners, but doesn't pass them before
returning to its original start point.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)01:04 No.972383
This works amazingly well. Thank you Anon.
>> [_] LogicNinja's tripcode is logicninja. !X/WncDCXNA 05/05/09(Tue)01:05 No.972385
Trying to keep my boner down, failing.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)01:12 No.972393
I was talking about the music dude. :|