File :[Zone 9 - Rukia.swf] - (1.06 MB)
[_] [H] Zone Website GONE! Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)10:56 No.996065
WWW.ZONE-ARCHIVE.COM is redirecting to
Now Jinx will never exist!
Oh and oldschool zone flash.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)11:01 No.996069
Maybe it was a DDoS attack
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)11:53 No.996101
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)11:54 No.996103
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)11:58 No.996106
Zone's twitter says that it's being worked on and that Jinx is still coming out.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)12:04 No.996107
lol janx
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)12:18 No.996121
Zone has a twitter? How faggoty :(
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)13:00 No.996159
Who the hell would DDoS Zone?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)13:01 No.996160
4channer faggots
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)13:18 No.996168
wut, zone has a twitter?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)13:23 No.996169
zone sux
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)13:24 No.996171
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)13:42 No.996186
What is zone's twitter account? People who just claim twitter is for faggots are morons. This is
exactly the sort of reason twitter exists, so I can know when this sort of thing is updated.
Most of the folks who say it's for fags are just sad that no one wants to or needs to follow them.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)13:43 No.996187
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)13:44 No.996189
that's what a blog is for
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)13:53 No.996194
Perhaps he just took the site down himself, it does cost him money.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)14:19 No.996207
Her. Zone is female.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)14:19 No.996208
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)14:27 No.996213
that's what you think
>> [_] Oldfag is old 06/04/09(Thu)14:28 No.996215
No girls on the interbutts, and the sex of ZØNE has been debated for ages, everyone would like to
THINK ZØNE is a female, because that would be fukkin hawt, and people don't like to think that
someone with a penis drew the pr0n they're fapping to, but there's never been solid proof, only a
still frame or two with no evidence of date or anything that would verify its validity, at least
as far as I know, and I've been lurking for years.
Now mind, I haven't been around nearly as much in the past years, so if solid proof has shown
itself, give me said proof and I'll withdraw my statements, otherwise, ZØNE is a male so far as
I'm concerned. (And don't try to cite the "ZØNE" moaning voice in the FLCL flash, that could be
anyone, or it could even just be a slightly altered FLCL voice.)
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)14:49 No.996234
Why the fuck would someone DDoS Zone?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)15:01 No.996247
There has been proof of Zone's gender.
It has been proven more than once that he's male, but yet, many faggots insists on calling him a
her, might just be trolling but i doubt it, i think they really believe him to be female.
>> [_] . 06/04/09(Thu)15:10 No.996253
>It has been proven more than once that she's female, but yet, many faggots insists on calling
her a him, might just be trolling but i doubt it, i think they really believe her to be male.
fixed for truth
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)15:17 No.996258
ITT faggots in denial
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)15:22 No.996259
If anyone was here long enough, when Zone was first surfing, he used to be a normal 4chan user
and chat, during these chats it was confirmed that Zone is male. Since then Zone has gone off and
done his own thing and now newfags are confused and I imagine he's having a bit of a laugh about
it and that's why he doesn't say anything contrary.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)16:59 No.996325
Zone's stuff is the best. There are very few who can come close.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)17:17 No.996344
i remember that shit, and yes HE (Zone) said so........ wait im not the only old fag left........
how odd.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)17:36 No.996366
Go to a 404 page on zone-archive.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)17:42 No.996367
>>996366 Go to a 404 page on zone-archive.
That's not ZONE's flash. It's older than the internet.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)18:25 No.996396
He put himself down as male. Also put down Japanese, his flashes feature japanese text a lot.
He also calls himself zone-sama on newgrounds. It's likely both accounts are his.
Best proof is buttercupsaiyajin though, who worked with him on Midna and stating he's male
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)18:29 No.996400
m00t is female too. he´s a little girl.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)18:43 No.996411
anybody who's been on 4chan before 2005 knows zone is a man
>> [_] Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)18:50 No.996421
> Also put down Japanese
He is about as much japanese as I am jamaican.
Putting japanese text in your works don't make you japanese, and he started out as a fucking