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This is resource SPXOGG2, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:19/3 -2009 03:16:49

Ended:19/3 -2009 11:44:04

Checked:14/4 -2009 05:11:35

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 10.
Discovered flash files: 1

File :[Hatsune Miku - Swimy.swf] - (6.97 MB)
[_] [J] /r/ inside Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)21:08 No.926590

  anybody have a large folder of vocaloid songs they could upload to /rs/ for me?

  if not, just enjoy swimmy

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)21:12 No.926593

  also interested in this.

  @op, i assume you already have this?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)21:17 No.926601

  actually i dont have that although i did see it
  i would prefer to get them in one fell swoop so i dont have to get rid of as many repeats

>> [_] Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)21:32 No.926610

  try asking mikuchan, they might have something. i also see a big multipart .7z of all the songs
  on miku_player2 in /rs/.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)21:42 No.926620

  i dont see anything like that in /rs/.... (ctrl+f failed with many keywords...)

>> [_] Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)21:51 No.926624

  try typing 'miku player' as the search

>> [_] Anonymous 03/18/09(Wed)21:53 No.926627

  sooo im feeling kinda retarded right now....

  turns out my stylish skin got rid of the search box so i was filing through page after page
  looking for it...

  found it btw..

>> [_] Ahhhh so simmy 03/19/09(Thu)04:13 No.926895

  inb4 So Long and Thanks For all the Fish!!

>> [_] Anonymous 03/19/09(Thu)04:35 No.926908

  Is this original or a parody of something?

>> [_] 03/19/09(Thu)04:51 No.926919

  The Song is likely original, if that's what your asking. the again I don't speek Moon, much less
  reed it.

  It just seems to me that the "Fish" are leaving the Planet (and for some unexplained reason kown
  only to them), are headed for the Sun, then we see a picture of some cooked fish lol.

  In anycase if you had ever read Adams you'd know that SLATFATF was a refference to all the
  Dolphins leaving the Planet before the Vogan attack.

  Ok so I took a creative license opting for fish instead of Dolphins SUE ME!!
Created: 19/3 -2009 03:16:49 Last modified: 14/4 -2009 16:38:44 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:04:27