File :[capture kitty.swf] - (11 KB)
[_] [G] Anonymous 03/15/09(Sun)21:23 No.923737
can u capture the kitty
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/09(Sun)21:27 No.923744
>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/09(Sun)21:33 No.923751
I must suck then. I keep failing at capturing kitty.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/09(Sun)21:33 No.923752
>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/09(Sun)21:36 No.923755
the key is to make it backtrack. once it does, it's owned.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/09(Sun)21:36 No.923756
I caught him once, and that was only because there were 4 circles surrounding him in the
>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/09(Sun)21:40 No.923760
I feel like a korean
>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/09(Sun)21:40 No.923762
the only correct way to capture kitty.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/09(Sun)22:00 No.923783
... kitty
>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/09(Sun)22:25 No.923789
game would be 100x better if it had furry pr0n when you won
>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/09(Sun)22:30 No.923802
>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/09(Sun)22:30 No.923803
half of this is luck
>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/09(Sun)22:57 No.923820
the end is not very rewarding
>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/09(Sun)23:18 No.923850
No it isn't.
The key is to pre-make walls and then lead to cat to them.
Don't try and follow the cat, make 3 piece walls in whatever edge it's aiming for, then guide it
to pre made boxes. If it ever goes for another edge, construct a 3 block wall there as well.
It's quite possible to win against an open space, you just have to predict how it plans on moving.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/09(Sun)23:23 No.923858
And remember to not just make the closest move the cat can take. It'll always go for a hole, so
leave that spot open until it's almost to it, building your wall for it to follow after you close
the gap.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/09(Sun)23:33 No.923871
i like to get it stuck in 2 open spaces and then fill the others as fast as i can so it looks
like it's desperately trying to escape my korean cooking pot
>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/09(Sun)23:57 No.923905
Good strategy.
Finally won with it.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/16/09(Mon)01:04 No.923972
This game is addicting even after you won it.