File :[_.._flash190__Touhou.swf] - (604 KB)
[_] [G] touhou Anonymous 03/15/09(Sun)05:44 No.923225
1. Retrieve underwear
2. ???
3. Profit
>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/09(Sun)06:08 No.923231
good times
>> [_] Elle Lowel 03/15/09(Sun)10:46 No.923327
I wonder if I need to study Touhou firther to understand why Alice wants to fondle Marisa and
other stuff
>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/09(Sun)11:10 No.923339
it's pretty elementary
the stuff is Marisa's, it probably has her... scent or something on it
>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/09(Sun)12:06 No.923379
Z key won't work
>> [_] Anonymous 03/15/09(Sun)12:06 No.923380
Move with the arrow keys. Open or close doors with the Z key. You can slam enemies with the doors
this way to knock them out for a bit. Opening a magic door will release a beam that destroys
enemies in front of the door. But, they will respawn somewhere else.