File :[~flow~.swf] - (48 KB)
[_] [G] Uploaded for the anxious. Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)00:08 No.953177
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)00:20 No.953191
This one has a smaller file size than the one that doesn't do anything.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)00:21 No.953193
I said that in the other thread.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)00:25 No.953198
>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)00:34 No.953212
Thank you so very much...I love games like this.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)00:35 No.953214
If you really like it, go find and download the full version. It comes with sound and music.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)01:47 No.953254
Quick question how do you beat the circles?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)02:25 No.953278
By being faster and more brutal.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)03:17 No.953311
Where can i download the full version of this for pc? Like the one on psp and ps3...
>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)03:19 No.953312
>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)03:20 No.953314
>> [_] Anonymous 04/15/09(Wed)05:10 No.953379
Yeah the final boss is easier than the circle in middle level.
Just go brutal, revolving on his own circle, eating it all.