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Happy New Year!

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This is resource WHCN16C, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:25/4 -2009 07:30:18

Ended:25/4 -2009 17:01:30

Checked:3/5 -2009 02:30:31

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 30.
Discovered flash files: 1

File :[simbrothel_fixed.swf] - (7.14 MB)
[_] [H] As requested Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)00:22 No.962703

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)00:31 No.962710

  Slave maker>sim brothel

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)00:37 No.962714

  Slave maker > Upload limit

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)00:43 No.962718

  What's been fixed, exactly?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)00:44 No.962720

  The ladies. No more pregnancies for you!

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)00:49 No.962725

  don't see a difference
  what is the fix?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)00:52 No.962727


  It fixes your System32 folder.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)01:15 No.962746

  you can actually save now

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)01:42 No.962763

  why can't I find zelda anymore?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)01:45 No.962764

  whats the money cheat?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)01:50 No.962767

  does this ever actually end? day210 and still going

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)01:57 No.962770

  How do i download this to computer

>> [_] johndoe 04/25/09(Sat)02:00 No.962772

  Yes, it ends. You get 300 days total. And as for how to download it, just right-click on the link
  and click "Save As". For anyone that doesn't have enough the girls for a day, or
  rank them up, or buy equipment, or whatever. Then refresh *without saving*, and they will keep
  the exp, or you keep the equipment/upgrades/rank up/building, for free :D. Though the girls will
  lose the energy as normal...but then you can refresh-rest them too.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)02:49 No.962804

  >>962772 that does nothing for me actualy

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)03:02 No.962807

  I don't get it.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)03:03 No.962809

  is it just me or does the special joker give all girls 5ap do nothing?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)03:17 No.962815

  What does ap do anyway?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)03:42 No.962829

  ap = ability points lets you equip abilities on the girls

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)04:10 No.962844

  Yeah, you know that buildings bug? That's among what was fixed.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)04:36 No.962856

  is there a faster way to gain AP?

  takes ages

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)04:37 No.962858

  javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariable("", 10000);
  Sets gold. Displayed gold will update when you buy something or at a new day.

  javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariable("_root.Nbrday", 1);
  Sets the current day. Displayed day is refreshed after you press new day.

  javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariable("_root.joker1", 1);
  Give you a weekly joker different one for each number (works with number 1 to 11 or so),

  javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariable("_root.joker2", 1);
  Gives you a different mission joker (also 1 to 11 or so).

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)05:21 No.962870

  how do you actually use those? it doesn't just let you type in the game and putting them in the
  addressbar is just a 404

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)05:30 No.962878

  what program do you use?

  I use firefox

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)05:41 No.962884

  oh im an idiot my bad you type in just the command without the address for the game... sigh

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)06:18 No.962890

  javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariable("_root.joker1", 1);
  Give you a weekly joker different one for each number (works with number 1 to 9),
  1: each girl gain 300XP / 100
  2: each girl gain 5% charisma / 50
  3: no sickness for 7 days / 50
  4: each girl gain 15% libido / 50
  5: each girl gain ability r4- / 150
  6: less work refusal for 7 days / 100
  7: 2x libido, fuck, blowjob for 7 days / 100
  8: each girl gain 5% constitution / 100
  9: each girl recover 100% health / 150

  javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariable("_root.joker2", 1);
  Gives you a different mission joker (1 to 10).
  1: max customers / 1000
  2: all girls accept work for 7 days / 500
  3: slave market pass! / 300
  4: next slave 50% off / 300
  5: girls won't lose health for 7 days / 300
  6: each girl gain 5 AP / 800
  7: each girl gain ability r5+ / 600
  8: doulbe xp for 7 days / 500
  9: time travel 7 days back / 1000
  10: each girl gain 10% refinement / 800

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)06:22 No.962894

  I pretty much broke this game at around day 200-- Rikku gained the ability to have max customers
  all the time so I just changed her cost to 9000 and watched the money roll in.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)06:58 No.962907

  are there other games like this? (or slave maker)

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)08:56 No.962949

  So I start with 100 gold.

  I can't sell myself. I cannot afford to buy another girl.


  So cheating is required?

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)09:04 No.962953


  shit never though about doing that, got so used to using the Estimate button I never set my own

  also anyone get a mission to have 44 girls before day 240? I bought every girl possible, 36 of

>> [_] Anonymous 04/25/09(Sat)09:31 No.962965

  It still won't let me save... Or do I have to save the swf onto my comp before it lets me save?
Created: 25/4 -2009 07:30:18 Last modified: 3/5 -2009 02:30:33 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:29:30