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This is resource XQ0YQPC, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:17/4 -2009 07:27:33

Ended:17/4 -2009 16:24:39

Checked:23/5 -2009 08:22:39

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 13.
Discovered flash files: 1

File :[neo.swf] - (1.9 MB)
[_] [?] Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)00:19 No.955213

  Anyone know the song/BGM source for this?
  It's rather old and I no longer remember the file source - in fact, all I remember about the
  source is that the person who made it was making some fan-universe or... something, related to
  Megaman. And that nothing ever really came of it except for drawings and this flash.

  Still, if anyone knows the song/BGM source, it'd be appreciated.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)00:32 No.955226

  Texas Faggot - Back To Mad

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)00:42 No.955232

  lol i remember this flash. Still have it saved too.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)01:03 No.955245

  Eh, as much as I hate to admit it. This was pretty decent.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)01:08 No.955249

  Meh, could be decent, if it's ever created

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)01:32 No.955263

  Man, this video is really starting to show some wear; I remember when this was the pinnacle of
  flash animation...

  Don't get me wrong, this guys artwork has stood up really well, and I love it now as much as I
  did then, but the animation and tweens look so cheap now that computers have the capacity and
  bandwidth to handle more complex flashtoons.

>> [_] Red 04/17/09(Fri)01:56 No.955279

  The original artist was Andrew Dickman. He intended to make a game with something like this as
  the introduction sort of bit, but apparently because everyone started harping on at him saying
  that he should put their character into it, and saying how he should make the game, rather than
  let him get on with it, before anything was EVEN released for it, he cancelled the project
  entirely and told everyone to fuck off. If I heard right, he hates this flash now because of that.

  Way to go you selfish retards. Way to kill a project dead by wanting to be in it.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)02:05 No.955286

  Rokusen man

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)02:21 No.955303

  Surely you're not implying that any of these retards are actually on 4chan?

  ...Wait, 4chan is mainstream enough that's probably true.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)02:35 No.955314

  has the story entirely right.

  story of how faggots can ruin a great thing.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)03:22 No.955385

  thats the only good part out of that song, the rest is faggoty ass whiny girl saying a bunch of

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)08:13 No.955529

  That's what people said when this preview was made. FIVE FUCKING YEARS AGO.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/17/09(Fri)08:42 No.955534

  i'm pretty sure someone already made a megaman game or two
Created: 17/4 -2009 07:27:33 Last modified: 23/5 -2009 08:32:44 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:58:28