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This is resource XYEJXOF, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:27/5 -2009 23:09:57
15.8 years ago.

Ended:28/5 -2009 01:20:35
15.8 years ago.

Checked:28/5 -2009 02:14:00
15.8 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 23.
Discovered flash files: 1

File :[ello_puppet.swf] - (7.87 MB)
[_] [?] Ello poppet Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)16:06 No.989187

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)16:25 No.989205

  Bitch about to get gang raped.

>> [_] Unknown 05/27/09(Wed)16:33 No.989209

  /r/ing song?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)16:34 No.989210

  She'll never walk the same way again.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)16:35 No.989211

  She's really cute too. Such nice eyes.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)16:38 No.989214

  someone is about to get tripple dicked in the ass, ya'll

>> [_] Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)16:43 No.989222

  How many dicks could a woman take at the same time?

  1 - in the mouth

  2 - one in each hand

  1 - in the ass

  1 - in the vagina

  1 - between the titties

  If you can arrange the guys well enough and as we don't care if her vagina ends up looking like
  the scraps bucket in a butcher shop then we can assume DVDA would be the ideal, on top of the
  other options.

  So up to eight at a time if you can arrange everyone right. Not bad. Get your value for money out
  of them that way. She should be able to get them all satisfied in one round.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)17:13 No.989247

  what's the movie?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)17:29 No.989259


>> [_] Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)17:31 No.989262



>> [_] Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)17:32 No.989264

  I'll elaborate.

  1 maybe 2 in mouth, 1 in each hand. One between tits you could just have one under/against each

  1 in the ass, 1 in the vagina, 1 on each foot, and possible bend her legs and arms and fuck her
  elbows and knees, and then her armpits as well. And have a guy humping her belly button, and she
  has a bunch of hair, so a couple guys could masturbate using her hair, then maybe have a guy just
  trying to hump over her face.

  If only she had an eyepatch you could fit another guy in too.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)17:36 No.989268


  I love you.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)17:37 No.989269

  how about two eye patches? oh yess.

  also you forgot that she can fold her arms and legs, thus wanking off an additional 6 or 8 guys
  with her arms and legs.

  of course this requires amazing coordination, and im not thinking about the space the man bodies
  take up (maybe if all were midgets or small midget children?).

>> [_] Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)17:40 No.989270

  >>989269 maybe if all were midgets or small midget children?

  Shota is fine too.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)17:40 No.989271

  wait i was replying the wrong guy, and you seem to have gotten the general idea.

  new thought: lets not forget that you can fuck the girl's nipples, so that's +2 penises she can
  pleasure at the same time. if the breast are large enough she might be able to lay her breasts
  ontop of the penises and wanking them.

  so what are we up to, 20-30 penises at the same time?

  damn it, we need a scientist to measure this all up and get some proper numbers

>> [_] Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)17:44 No.989276

  >>989271 damn it, we need a scientist to measure this all up and get some proper numbers

  Agreed. We need grant money for the research and about 20-30 Anonymous willing to join in. We
  should use women in the most efficient ways.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)17:55 No.989298

  one problem is that the woman we use will be pretty small because of her young age (12-15). but i
  guess we can estimate how many penises a more grown woman can handle after the experiment is
  done. most of them don't grow much more after that age any way.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)18:11 No.989313


  Gang Rape Scientists

>> [_] Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)18:12 No.989315

  I want a mustache.

>> [_] Captain Niggawatts, Second Brigade !!cUGUUAl/cS8 05/27/09(Wed)18:12 No.989317

  The Song is "Swimming Pool" by Freezepop.

  /r/ movie source.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)18:17 No.989323

  disturbingly big eyes.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)18:17 No.989326


  Maximally efficient usage of resources is paramount in today's carbon-conscious age.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)18:19 No.989328


  Grow one!


  The Japanese and the weeabos should love her all the more then. She's rather cute.

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Created: 27/5 -2009 23:09:57 Last modified: 28/5 -2009 20:58:34 Server time: 13/03 -2025 22:49:38