File :[WolfQuest.swf] - (7.64 MB)
[_] [?] /r/ Inside. Grammar Nazi 05/07/09(Thu)20:20 No.975303
Can, anon deliver the ending song of this failed flash, please?
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)20:30 No.975315
HAHAHA no replay
>> [_] Grammar Nazi 05/07/09(Thu)20:31 No.975318
I just noticed that, lol.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)20:48 No.975337
have you guys played online in this game?
holy shit can little kids role play, creepy as fuck though
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)20:49 No.975338
>> [_] Grammar Nazi 05/07/09(Thu)20:54 No.975344
Looks fucking retarded to me. I only saved it because of the ending music... the first time I saw
this flash the OP was /r/ing the song also... No luck so far...
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)20:59 No.975354
Wolf Quest? Really? What the fuck.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)21:20 No.975392
Jeez, it could be any of the jillions of chiptunes out there. Good luck finding the one.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)21:32 No.975407
This game is actually not too bad for a piece of shit developed by some bored, poorly paid museum
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)21:33 No.975411
I remember when this first came out. /b/ was excited.
However, the Multiplayer mode was extremely limited and crappy, and you could only communicate
through a set list of phrases.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)21:35 No.975413
Kids actually get on this and like, roleplay yiff wolf sex.
I've also seen kids do Twilight RP, and pretend to be Bella and Edward as wolves.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)21:42 No.975423
How, if you can only communicate through a set list of phrases?
I call bullshit on your lies.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)22:30 No.975486
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)22:32 No.975489
maybe they make each set phrase equal one letter and then spam the phrases to communicate
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)22:32 No.975490
using a clever code which involves the order of said phrases and the frequency at which they are
>> [_] Anonymous 05/07/09(Thu)23:29 No.975557
Apparently you can talk.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)00:21 No.975594
Can someone hack this please so it doesn't have the annoying Wolf Quest crap and just leaves us
with the awesome song at the end?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)00:33 No.975603
Get the fuck off my /b/
>> [_] Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)00:36 No.975606
turning kids into furries one at a time.
>> [_] Grammar Nazi 05/08/09(Fri)00:56 No.975629
And this thread is now about the failed game, instead of the ending song... Thanks a lot, Anon!
>> [_] Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)01:00 No.975634
I'm willing to bet it's dubmood. a lot of the effects sound like stuff he'd use.
I think he has a beatport page you can sample his stuff on to see if any of his songs match this.
>> [_] Grammar Nazi 05/08/09(Fri)01:15 No.975648
Thanks anon, I'll see what I can find...
>> [_] Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)01:28 No.975662
you can chat in the game with other people now, so...yeah imagine that