Archived flashes:
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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource Y8K6DX7, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:5/4 -2009 02:26:05
15.9 years ago.

Ended:5/4 -2009 12:45:00
15.9 years ago.

Checked:14/4 -2009 06:30:10
15.9 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 6.
Discovered flash files: 1

File :[xenotactic.swf] - (1.12 MB)
[_] [G] Impossible wins Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:16 No.942741

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)20:50 No.942801

  this game is easy. you need to design a path with two ways to reach another path that leads to
  both exits. then seal one way to get to the ending path. as they reach the exit of the other
  path, sell the turret that seals off the second path, then seal off the first path with a turret.
  the monsters will be forced to turn around and walk through the whole level again. you can do
  this over and over, ground can never get through. for air just replace some of your center
  turrets with anti-air and focus upgrades there, since ground cant get through so it doesnt matter
  how upped your anti ground is.

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)21:03 No.942814

  Been there done that... last lvl pretty tough

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)21:16 No.942830

  This is a code-for-code rip of DTD
  How lame

  They even managed to get rid of some of the things that made DTD good, like keyboard shortcuts,
  and the cool towers

  Also lol at SAM turrets hitting GROUND only

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)21:26 No.942838

  Holy fuck
  Dumb nigger programmer even managed to break the pathfinding.

  Sell all your towers
  Monsters walk around an invisible maze!!

>> [_] Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)21:41 No.942848

  fucking addicting game *aplausos*!

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Created: 5/4 -2009 02:26:05 Last modified: 14/4 -2009 14:20:57 Server time: 15/03 -2025 05:12:59