File :[fox flash.swf] - (733 KB)
[_] [?] Reposted for great justice Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)17:53 No.944952
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)18:08 No.944960
i must have song please!
>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)18:09 No.944962
never mind, the flash answered me
>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)18:14 No.944966
What the fuck did I just watch!?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)19:43 No.945054
thats got to be the wrong song title cause i cant find it
>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)19:46 No.945058
OP here
Honestly, I myself would like the MP3 for this song! Can anyone help please?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)19:48 No.945060
That would be 'Omna Magni,' from Sousei No Aquarion.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)20:21 No.945105
>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)20:48 No.945131
What?!! NO HOOD?!!!! you disappoint me /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)20:50 No.945135
Because Xenu knows we haven't seen the hood of this enough times for one day yet
>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)20:57 No.945143
Instant FROWN
>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)20:58 No.945145
[i] The hooded version of this flash has never been posted under the name "fox flash.swf".
>> [_] Oblivion W. Guns !IPiPBOY0m2 04/06/09(Mon)20:58 No.945146
10 posts without a single sage.
/f/ is the worst board filled with the most furfags.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)21:04 No.945151
Well namefag, you're welcome to leave any time.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)21:08 No.945157
how the fuck is this a fur flash?
>> [_] Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)21:26 No.945167
No no, don't try to reason. Hatred for furfaggotry transcends logic. It's like Zen, only very,
very angry.