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File[CoC_DevBuild_0.2.1.swf] - (744 KB) [_] [G] Newest build, woo. Anon 1509431 >New (rare) event in desert >4 new perks >Whitney returns from UTG >May now use items immediately if inventory is full Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1509435 It seems like my lust is filling up way too quickly. A battle with an imp at Libido- 46, Sensitivity- 46, and Corruption-16 and the bar is already half filled! >> [_] Anon 1509436 i think that new desert event is glitched i got it like 20 times in a row >> [_] Anon 1509440 >Tell guy to go fulll demon >"Thank you for this. Should we meet again, I promise rewards fit to make a whore faint.” I love the way that was described. >> [_] Anon 1509441 Can't connect to the blog. What gives? >> [_] Anon 1509445 >># Dunno man. The next best thing is 7chan's /fur/ board, if that can be considered a next best thing. >> [_] Anon 1509479 what spot is whitney in? >> [_] Anon 1509483 The Game Over button is broken >> [_] Anon 1509499 awesome, i love this. bug; after getting fucked by the sand witch, as a guy, i still only had one set of tits. >> [_] Anon 1509501 WTF am i playing >> [_] Anon 1509502 can you fuck whitney, if so how? >> [_] Anon 1509505 >># blogger is down >> [_] Anon 1509517 >># Not yet. Like fenoxo said, he just re-wrote the Whitney from the old CoC. But it's most likely he will add a way to fuck her in the next update. That's what I believe. >> [_] Anon 1509519 >># Lake. >> [_] every fucking day, just.. 1509527 ██████░██░░██░█████░██░░██░ ██░░░░░██░░██░██░░░░██░██░░ ████░░░██░░██░██░░░░███░░░░ ██░░░░░██░░██░██░░░░██░██░░ ██░░░░░██████░█████░██░░██░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░██████░██████░██████░░░░ ░░░██░░██░██░░░░░██░░░░░░░░ ░░░██░░██░█████░░█████░░░░░ ░░░██░░██░██░░░░░██░░░░░░░░ ░░░██████░██░░░░░██░░░░░░░░ >> [_] Anon 1509530 >># You don't get multiple sets from the witch, you have to get them from Canine Peppers. She just makes the ones you already have bigger and leakier. >># He won't. Whitney is the only source of purity in the entire game. He's said before she's tough enough to defend herself against attackers, so she won't be one to mess with. >> [_] Anon 1509565 >># You forgot the part where she decides if she wants or not. >> [_] Anon 1509566 are there only two ways to end the game: loss by sand witch or loss by sex tool? I keep on wondering if there are limits to the transformations, like can you go completely; demon? I only seem to be able to get horns, hooves, tail, and purple penis bee? can get antennae, wings, and a bit of a carapace minotaur? can get horns, tail, but loose vagoo centaur? get a mane and a tail dog? just the penis and multi-tits plant thing? green hair and tentacle-cock can the imps impreg you? or only the bee-girl? >> [_] Anon 1509567 I've gotten a game over by using a sex toy. I was a female and it said something like, the sex toy wouldn't turn off, and some creeperfuck charged people to watch me. FUCKING ASSHOLE >> [_] Anon 1509568 >># Succubus milk can turn your skin blue, I believe. >> [_] Anon 1509569 >># cool! haven't gotten that far yet then >> [_] Anon 1509575 so, tried again without immediately using the dog or horse or milk effect: you can get pregnant, and if you use the honey as your first thing, you get a sting special ability >> [_] Anon 1509580 gave birth to a minotaur >> [_] Anon 1509587 So, can you actually find other locations other than Shop, Desert, Forest ,Lake and Mountains yet? And is there any way to upgrade your camp? >> [_] Anon 1509588 >Turn on debug mode to test out new item from "rare event" >Get nothing but rare events straight fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu >> [_] Anon 1509603 >># Haven't played in quiet a while, so reporting findings after a few quick runs. Demon (succubus & incubus potions): Horns (limit?) / tail / skin (cures fur) / high heels - talons (seems random) / shrinks - grows creates - removes penises and breasts. Bee (honey): Antenna / wings (large) / hair (goes longer, then black) / abdomen (w/ stinger) / legs. Minotaur (blood): Height (limit on that?) / horns (will transform 1 set of demon horns and leave rest, seems to not affect antenna) / bull penis, up to around ~25inches I think / tightening of - loss of vago (takes 4-5 pots from the farthest I can get stretched) / tail / hooves / shrinks tits >> [_] Anon 1509604 >># Centaur (equine): Horse cock / deepens vagina / shrinks breasts(?) / fur / hooves / facial features / tail / *full transformation* BAD END(?) Dog (peppers): Dog cock / go into heat (incremental lust gain, pain in the ass, but changes some text) / additional breasts (8 max?) / breast expansion / fur (same color as hair) / claws / facial features / testicular density (cum multiplier without size) Plant (vines / flowers): Green hair / tenti-cock / hips & ass expansion (limit?) Feel free to add, correct. >> [_] Anon 1509605 >># >Minotaur Forgot to add: also increases testicle size. >> [_] Anon 1509611 I see that the "decline" and "rape him" button locations have changed. >> [_] Anon 1509619 >># You're forgetting Jojo. Even if he can become corrupted, he starts out pure as well. >># I wouldn't notice, since I always just pick the option with "rape" >> [_] Anon 1509631 You have two beach-ball sized immense breasts, each supporting one nipple. You could easily fill a truck-sized cup bra. Not sure how it goes from beachball to truck, but okay. >> [_] Anon 1509637 How do you find Jojo? Where is he? I want to train/pray/RP like a shaolin monk. >> [_] Anon 1509639 >># >># Getting honey from the Bee-girl when she is out of eggs also reduces corruption. And Libido IFRC. >> [_] Anon 1509640 > How do you find Jojo? > Where is he? Corruption >30, explore forest. > I want to train/pray/RP like a shaolin monk. Not much of that going on, I'm afraid. >> [_] Anon 1509641 >># The new events are always made super easy at first, I think. He'll dial it back in the next version. >># Succubus milk and incubi draft can both do all the same demon things...the only difference is whether it affects breasts or cocks. I've gotten the "high demon heels" from the incubi draft, and the "demon claw feet" from the Succubi milk before. >> [_] Anon 1509646 Can you do anything with plants? It either makes me run automatically or get raped. And how do I get multiple cocks? >> [_] Anon 1509651 > Can you do anything with plants? It either makes me run automatically or get raped. Depends on the plant. The corrupt grove can be interacted with once corruption is >66. The other plant encounter is basically an autorape until your cock is >30 inches or so. Then you're too big for it. > And how do I get multiple cocks? Incubi draft. Saving up and drinking a lot of it back-to-back seems to result in extra cocks more often than 'one here, one there'. >> [_] Anon 1509657 hey guys, is there anything else in aside from the sand which, the bee girl, the minotaurs, the slime, the potion demon and the imps? >> [_] Anon 1509675 FYI: Incubus Drafts don't change skin color, but Succubus Milk can result in blue, purple or black skin. >> [_] Anon 1509676 What a load of bullshit, I was expecting some hot titty bitches to fuck. Instead I get tentacle raped by some forest plant. >> [_] Anon 1509678 >># When did that happen? Is that a new change? >> [_] Anon 1509682 Just an FYI for you folks, you can become a centaur by drinking minotaur blood until you get hooves, and then drink enough equinizer. I've got a number of endings: Fight a Sand Witch and pass out due to 100 lust. (probably have to have large knockers before this happens) Take too much dog potion. Take too much horse potion. Use the AV Stim Belt too much. Also managed to have minotaur kids and a litter of mice by jojo. Getting enough honey from the bee girls lets you grow wings (help in running away) and a stinger that is a skill in combat. |