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Threads (2):
File: cavestory.swf-(320 KB, 480x240, Loop) [_] Anon 3226227 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3226230 I like this. >> [_] Anon 3226232 >># sauce? >> [_] Anon 3226242 Only pussies took that ending >> [_] Anon 3226245 >># What's Cavestory? >> [_] Anon 3226249 >># >First time playing Cave Story >Think I have no choice but to ride on dragon because I said yes earlier >later realize I can say no >> [_] Anon 3226250 >># one of the first and one of the best indiegames go play it, it was originally freeware so theres no fee >> [_] Anon 3226268 >># >was It still is. http://www.cavestory.org/download/cave-s tory.php >> [_] Anoynmous 3226270 >you actually played cave story a lot in the last few days im suprised to see something on /f/ thats related to it >> [_] Anon 3226273 >># I play cave story all the time dude all time favorite game >> [_] Anon 3226296 I still haven't saved her I still haven't defeated him I've managed to survive until the last phase after 4 hours nonstop of attempts but I still haven't done it ;_; >> [_] Anon 3226307 >># Keep going anon, they're counting on you! >> [_] Anon 3226323 >># let me guess, you used the heart jar on Last Cave and not Hell. >> [_] Anon 3226324 >># i managed to get through hell without the heart jar >> [_] Anon 3226347 I never managed to do the water stage right and retrieve her panties :(
File: cavestory.swf-(320 KB, 480x240, Loop) [_] Question inside Anon 2950590 Is it possible to pack multiple flashed into one swf and have one of them randomly play upon start up? If you could, would it take longer to load? >> [_] Anon 2950591 >># *flashes >> [_] Anon 2950604 >># yes and yes >> [_] Anon 2950607 >># How do >> [_] Anon 2950609 >># Look up "reload this I dare you" on swfchan. There's an swf labeled that which does exactly what you're looking for. >> [_] Anon 2950616 >># Cool, now I just need to pirate flash and dick around until I figure out how to replace the stuff that's there. Thanks anon! >> [_] Anon 2950665 >># It's not like you can "randomly play" one of the flashes within a flash. A flash can't contain several flashes. What you are going to have to do is take all of the content from one flash and put it into another. Then only play that content. You'll have to adapt the content to the flash that now contains it (stage width/height/background color/framerate). So it's the same as making 1 flash that randomly only displays 1 of its MovieClips, just that the content of that MovieClip have been copied from a different flash. |