File: deathbytiptoe.swf-(8.23 MB, 720x576, Anime)
[_] DaCapo 01/28/14(Tue)01:07 No.2271675
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/14(Tue)01:36 No.2271692
maybe she should have gotten a not shit umbrella
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/14(Tue)02:09 No.2271711
The first time that I watched Another and when she fell on her umbrella, I was hoping it would go
through her eye
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/14(Tue)02:12 No.2271713
Thanks obama
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/14(Tue)02:47 No.2271726
thats the only umbrella i've ever seen that had a tip like that
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/14(Tue)04:58 No.2271771
They starting making them differently after that incident.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/14(Tue)07:36 No.2271831
you should of seen the tip on her fedora