Archived flashes:
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Issue fixed with the .net search, should work again now.

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This is resource BGT1119, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:23/1 -2014 19:22:10

Ended:23/1 -2014 23:43:49

Checked:24/1 -2014 00:53:17

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 21.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: The cancer that will save 4chan.swf-(1.99 MB, 654x496, Game)
[_] Time for a revival Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)13:19 No.2267059

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Grandmaster Knight 01/23/14(Thu)13:25 No.2267062

  Finally managed quads. Tiem to die in peace.

  Ro Ro Fight Da Powah.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)13:33 No.2267065

  Quads of zeros on the third try. I feel bad now.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)13:39 No.2267067

  anyone ever get the 5 quints?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)13:45 No.2267068

  I don't think it counts them. You just get quads.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)13:54 No.2267075

  dubs and we all get gf

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)14:21 No.2267091

  Got dat double rainbow =D

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)15:05 No.2267139

  who is saying douce nowadays

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)15:10 No.2267143

  it fucking should

  you should be able to get 1mil post
  and cp would show up

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)15:10 No.2267144

  countless dubs
  3x double rainbow + 1x trips
  1x quads (of 9)

  under 10 minutes
  step your game up bros

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)15:24 No.2267160


>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)15:44 No.2267171


  Ive gotten quints, and have the cap on another computer. But the flash treats them like quads

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)15:58 No.2267179

  anyone else get all 5s? i got
  No. 83055555

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)16:51 No.2267235

  double rainget GET
  >captcha: 15-inch rythnal

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)16:58 No.2267244

  /r/ing the trips song

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)17:00 No.2267245

  omg you such a newfag

  watch some good anime dude and you will know

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)17:02 No.2267248

  >no youtube link
  >no download link
  >not even a good insult
  2/100, patron saint of the shitpost

>> [_] Only one roll of dubs in between this beaut. Your local "Faggot" Anon. 01/23/14(Thu)17:09

  Three triples in the same minute, step it up a notch.

>> [_] I'm sorry, bros. Your local "Faggot" Anon. 01/23/14(Thu)17:11 No.2267260


  Just hit my fourth one, sorry bros.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)17:16 No.2267263

  >tfw 2007 was 8 years ago

  I have a weird capcha it says feet upGoym

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)17:37 No.2267273

  Seriously, though. Is it from Gurren Lagann or something?
Created: 23/1 -2014 19:22:10 Last modified: 24/1 -2014 00:53:20 Server time: 22/10 -2024 13:39:55