File: Umbrella.swf-(1.79 MB, 720x576, Loop)
[_] Have a good day. Anonymous 03/02/14(Sun)09:34 No.2305339
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/02/14(Sun)10:02 No.2305356
Have a good day too, you silly faggot.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/02/14(Sun)11:27 No.2305390
A group of Germans that do 50s and 60s style covers of modern songs?
God damn I love you for introducing me to this.
>> [_] Anon 03/02/14(Sun)12:04 No.2305404
>> [_] Anonymous 03/02/14(Sun)15:20 No.2305523
I woke up and this was one of the first things I saw.
This'll be a great day.
>> [_] Anonymous 03/02/14(Sun)15:41 No.2305532
Yeah, this band is pretty good. Their songs are usually better than the originals.
The Baseballs