File: Blue Morning.swf-(9.89 MB, 480x270, Anime)
[_] Good Morning /f/ Anonymous 02/08/14(Sat)08:55 No.2282931
>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/14(Sat)08:59 No.2282932
Song name?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/14(Sat)09:07 No.2282936
>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/14(Sat)09:20 No.2282942
animu sauce?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/14(Sat)09:43 No.2282952
Denpa Onna to Seishou Otoko
>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/14(Sat)09:48 No.2282955
boku no standard autistic moe
>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/14(Sat)10:30 No.2282973
omg /f/ is totally not shit this morning i love you all and i love life
>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/14(Sat)10:42 No.2282978
morning anon. Time is currently 10:42 am. Been up since about 9.. just rolled out of bed.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/14(Sat)11:05 No.2282986
>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/14(Sat)12:12 No.2283025
I went to give blood today. As soon as the needle went in, I passed out, then woke up and threw
up the contents of my breakfast.
It's not a good morning.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/08/14(Sat)12:45 No.2283046
Oh god, what's with her face, in several instances she looks like something poorly imitating a