File: Bill Nye - Creationism is Inappropriate for Children.swf-(8.63 MB, 640x360, Loop)
[_] Guarenteed Replies Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)19:13 No.2286565
Inb4 Ken Ham
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)19:17 No.2286571
He still seems that special charm to him since I use to watch him as a kid.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)19:17 No.2286572
>New World Order
It's confirmed, this man is an enemy of freedom.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)19:23 No.2286579
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)19:27 No.2286581
Why didn't we listen to Ron Paul?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)20:13 No.2286615
>The US doesn't believe in Evolution
Nye, your sperg is showing.
Most Americans believe in Evolution like we believe in gravity. The big argument for a lot of
people is where human evolution comes into play in the equation.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)20:22 No.2286621
This guy gets it
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)20:26 No.2286624
I believe in god and evolution...
Only said by me ever...
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)21:02 No.2286650
Nigga you dumb. Take a drive through the American South and Midwest and then let me know if
Americans really believe in evolution.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)21:04 No.2286652
he's saying that the US has the most disbelief in evolution. not only human evolution, but for
every other being too. In my biology class when we talked about evolution, even after the teacher
explained why their opinion on evolution was wrong, they still went on saying "DOGS DIRT GROW
FROM TREES" or some other shit like that.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)21:05 No.2286653
*tips fedora slowly and with a tear in one eye*
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)21:13 No.2286658
The fact of the matter is, Nye's position of accepting something as absolutely infallible without
looking into it more of questioning it is purely unscientific. It's also ridiculous that he
believes that if someone disagrees with you, they're always wrong and they are holding you back.
Despite the Church's best efforts, Copernicus and Galileo both published their research. That was
far stiffer opposition than science faces today which backs up my belief that Nye is a low tier
scientist and a whiny guy in general.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)21:16 No.2286662
If you go and say humans came about by a different process, especially a provincial creation
myth, you're still pretty deluded.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)21:20 No.2286666
>USA mostly don't believe in evolution
Nope, unless you count Baptist Westborn Church as a large part of America
>People don't believe in evolution
Well, you see, the thing is that you can believe in evolution in a lot of different ways.
Catholic Church believes in evolution in the sense of being a tool used by god to change human,
but they will never give up the idea that human was created by god and not big ban
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)21:22 No.2286669
>Your kid needs evolution because we need people to solve problems
That's where the fedora goes, Bill. You are making the assumption that anyone that does not
believe 100% in the scientific method of evolution is a invalid scientist, with is a lie.Mendel
was a priest, Darwin was a catholic, etc. You can't divide the world between true-believers and
dumb people, in fact, that is exactly what a intolerant church does, something that atheists
never shut up about while ironically doing the exactly same thing
>Without evolution America is doomed
Knowledge is not something you can shove into people throat, it's a lot more complicated than
that. You can tell forever about dinosaur fossils via scientific method, just like a priest can
tell forever about adam and eve. Both sides need reason and knowledge to see the other side,
something that only experience and life can teach them
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)21:36 No.2286679
Bill Nye is making over generalized accusations.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)21:41 No.2286684
You can't argue that mouth breathing rednecks aren't as a byproduct of their stupidity, teaching
children to be distrustful of science. You can call it a slippery slope argument, but a lot of
the religious right who are dumbfounded by evolution and spout out jingoistic bullshit about "how
come der still apes den? praise jesus" are more likely to NOT trust scientists on any matter that
politically differs from their own view. I mean they were wrong about God not making man out of
dirt and then flooding the world 4000 years ago. How can you trust them about important shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)22:11 No.2286709
He is talking about teaching evidence-based cognition systems instead of teaching children and,
to paraphrase, that beliefs must be substantiated by evidence.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)22:11 No.2286710
>implying is wrong to have a religion
>implying is wrong to deny science at certain level
>implying that is not the very concept of faith
>implying science itself don't proved that having faith is is more benefit than malefic
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)22:24 No.2286726
You're almost correct. First of all, Faith: noun, firm belief in something for which there is no
proof. That is the very reason why scientists do not like it. Secondly, if you knew how to use
correct grammar, you'd be correct on that last point. If you follow a religion, you are more
likely to be happy. The problem arises when people take that religion and use it as their
foundation for not believing with things we have scientifically proven. Yes, you may be happier,
but you are holding back humanity. Now I'm not exactly well-versed in the Bible, but I'm pretty
sure that kind of egotism is frowned upon by your god.
>> [_] /f/ 02/11/14(Tue)22:32 No.2286733
Moot is your god!
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)22:33 No.2286735
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)22:40 No.2286746
>Impyling technology is the foundation of culture and society.
Fucking Neo-Nazi
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)23:28 No.2286781
I live in the American midwest, cunt.
Anyone who has been in a low-level biology class understands that evolution has occurred.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)23:32 No.2286786
I also live in the American midwest. You're pretty lucky, dude. I'm not even in a church-heavy
town and most people here don't "buy" evolution.
Weird how a lot of creationists use that specific word.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)23:34 No.2286791
I live in Idaho, and the majority of people here think that the government is out to get them,
and that evolution is complete bullshit. Idaho is pretty much a walking stereotype of itself.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)23:35 No.2286792
Why does everyone think Nye is attacking Christianity?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/11/14(Tue)23:59 No.2286822
and most christians...
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/14(Wed)00:01 No.2286826
>If you want to live in your own little world, do it. Don't let your kids do it though.
This is the only problem I ever had with this video the time I saw it on Youtube and the many
times I saw it on /f/.
No one makes anyone do anything. The parents tell the kids what they believe and then the kids
will obviously hear other things as they grow up. After that, they will decide which they believe
and follow. Whether it's evolution, an old religion or a new age religion like Jedi or
No one came out of the womb knowing evolution and everyone alive right now had people in the past
whether it's parents, grandparents, great grandparents or whatever that believe in some form of a
religion. It's then later on they decide what they believe and which turns to an atheist or
agnostic or whatever.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/12/14(Wed)00:10 No.2286833
Which is incredibly hypocritical.