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Discovered:23/1 -2014 12:24:48

Ended:23/1 -2014 18:56:18

Checked:23/1 -2014 20:09:17

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File: Capitalism!.swf-(2.51 MB, 320x240, Other)
[_] FUCK YEAH! Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)05:40 No.2266847

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)06:16 No.2266852

  I understand that man. Everyone should work hard to be successful but that doesn't mean you
  should be selfish and obsessed with personal power and wealth. But people really should want to
  be successful in some manner.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)06:19 No.2266856

  He needs to get up and slap that bitch!

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)06:26 No.2266860

  Throwing all your money into Sub-Saharan Africa benefits who exactly? Some of those People have
  ZERO concept of wealth. If you really want to change Africa then, they need to start stepping
  into the 21'st Century. Something that hasn't happened yet. With the noted exceptions where
  Europe has had, its Colonies that did most of the heavy lifting... South Africa I'm looking at

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)06:35 No.2266866


  If you want to change Africa, genocide.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)06:38 No.2266867

  already happening, brah. get with the times.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)06:39 No.2266869


  Yeah, I know. I was just saying.

  The best thing about that though, is that they're doing most the work for us.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)07:37 No.2266895

  Kevin O'Leary is a hero
  If I had that kind of motivator growing up I wouldn't have fucked my life up, all this feel-good
  bullshit of being a productive member of society for the good of your community and to unsure you
  can retire 'comfortably' is silly as fuck pasta

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)08:06 No.2266904

  I was about to weigh in with a moral argument... then i realized i was on 4chan where these:
  Ignorant fucktards exist.

  so i posted this instead.

  common guys i expect this level of insane bullshit from /b/ not /f/...

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)08:13 No.2266906

  >still being a moralfag
  hows life in the priesthood?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)08:13 No.2266907

  >Thinking a white person in the sheltered first world should care or can make a difference about
  sub-human wastes of carbon that wouldn't be able to appreciate or maintain the good things white
  people give them

  kek, Africa has and always will be a hole

>> [_] and i dont like that 01/23/14(Thu)08:48 No.2266927

  its everywhere mate, capitalism is everywhere

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)09:04 No.2266933

  Because a dirt poor child born in the Central African Republic will have equal opportunities in
  life as a privileged white male from the US, amirite

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)09:44 No.2266942

  Should they Yes do they no and that's their own fault we came up and became great in the world
  it's not like they were held back other than by themselves so do they deserve it hell no they
  don't in fact if you don't work had you don't deserve anything

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)10:04 No.2266950

  I'm not even going to point out how retarded some people in this thread are. Get some education
  you fucks and learn WHY exactly africa is that poor.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)10:05 No.2266953

  Who the fuck cares why it is poor

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)10:14 No.2266964

  >the future

  pick one

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)10:14 No.2266965


>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)10:15 No.2266966

  People who still use the privilege argument need to shut up and leave 4chan.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)10:16 No.2266967

  I used to watch Shark Tank in my high school's college success class, and Kevin O' Leary was the
  Simon Cowell of investors on the show, that one asshole who nobody liked, but was always up front.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)10:17 No.2266968


>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)10:22 No.2266970

  The statistic is a jab at all people who are wealthy. He combated it by saying that working hard
  is a doorway to success. If you look at what he said, he said that she's talking about the rich
  people, which she is. The header of the script is "The Rich Get Richer." This includes people who
  live in the 3rd world countries and these are the people who are the bad ones.

  O'Leary is talking about people in the 1st world, not the 3rd world. Working hard can get you
  money if you put effort in the right direction, make the effort, and learn about the world that
  evidently only the "sheltered" and "privileged" can possibly hope to find. There's no reason you
  can't have a child or grandchild who can enter the 6-digit income bracket, yet look at all of the
  gangs and filth in the inner-cities of America. You know why they don't make it there? Because
  they don't want to.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)10:24 No.2266972

  At least this guy is honest and doesn't pretend like he's morally better then other people who do
  the same thing. How much do you think that reporter has done for poverty?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)10:27 No.2266975

  I don't understand why they can't just settle down and converse like rational adults when they're
  clearly in a mere misunderstanding. Instead they opted to scream at each other.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)10:27 No.2266976

  Is that implying that it is totally feasible to become a millionaire through sheer force of will,
  and not luck, being born with it, or having a single great idea?

  If so, than you are an idiot. Although you SHOULD have to work hard to succeed, the truth is that
  even if you work your ass off there is no guarantee that you are going to go anywhere in life.

>> [_] lo'man 01/23/14(Thu)10:28 No.2266977


  This! Fucking this! all over! Seriously moral fags, it's hard work and dedication that get you up
  front and keeps you there. Not being the community whore, sucking cock all your life and hoping
  all your johns pay.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)10:29 No.2266978

  you sound like you think every rich man was born with it or lucky

>> [_] lo'man 01/23/14(Thu)10:30 No.2266980


  Yea because it takes sheer luck to do anything nowadays. You just have to be lucky enough to
  start a business, get a decent education, find something you like doing in life. It's not like
  people provide nearly endless services for this in the first world. Right? No no no.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)10:30 No.2266981

  he didn't say that, he's just saying some people are intentionally not giving a damn and that's a

  but srsly
  >serious conversation

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)10:33 No.2266984


  It's not news, it's entertainment. News hasn't been a thing for years.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)10:37 No.2266987

  I like what he says. It's an interesting take on an annoying, overcited, ethically charged
  statistic, as opposed to the standard ethical "PC" response.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)10:37 No.2266988

  p2266970 here
  It's exactly as we say, but unfortunately this video is being spread like a virus on YouTube and
  no one will talk about it like we do here; they'll just say that the rich are stupid and ignorant
  and that everyone who makes over $100,00/yr doesn't pay their fair share in taxes.

  Also "being rich is evil." That about wraps up their views on YouTube.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)10:41 No.2266990


  Perhaps not the people who were making these companies some 50+ years ago, they probably worked
  very hard to make the booming companies that exist today.

  In more recent times however, yes a majority of wealthy individuals are born into it or are just
  lucky. Because in this day in age if you're becoming successful and someone who's already on top
  doesn't like it, guess what? You're fucked, they'll find a way to ruin you.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)10:52 No.2266993

  >if you're becoming successful and someone who's already on top doesn't like it, guess what?
  You're fucked, they'll find a way to ruin you
  Welcome to economics 101 and real life, that shit has happened throughout all human history only
  now is it less about being jelly of trog who's got more spears and more about making a wallet my
  more fat
  Is there anything wrong with this? No
  Is there something wrong with being born into wealth or being lucky? No and I say this as a
  barely middle class neet faggot with no job or education

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)12:07 No.2267014

  This thread is disappointing.

  Yes, it is good to work hard and become successful.

  Yes, rich people being rich is not a bad thing.

  No, the knowledge that there are rich people cannot motivate poor people out of poverty. Rich and
  poor will always exist. Some people will escape poverty, most won't. That's life, no matter how
  motivated everyone is.

  This man is stupid for assuming that rich people are that motivating and for not seeing the point
  that the statistic was trying to make.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)12:12 No.2267015

  And capitalism, just like all of us will die someday.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)12:19 No.2267017

  >niggers living in america still have the highest poverty rates and the highest incarceration

  So we've seen an example of what they do when they're given the tools of a first world country.
  Why are niggers still allowed to exist outside of their shithole country africa?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/23/14(Thu)12:50 No.2267038

  >working hard

  He sold a software company for millions that ended up biting the buyer in the ass because it was
Created: 23/1 -2014 12:24:48 Last modified: 23/1 -2014 20:09:18 Server time: 05/01 -2025 07:44:35