File: tNGi.swf-(9 KB, 465x465, Game)
[_] can you shrink an swf's filesize? Anonymous 02/16/14(Sun)22:46 No.2291673
>> [_] Anonymous 02/16/14(Sun)23:35 No.2291726
The Flash compiler generally compresses resources pretty well.
If it's a .flv video in a .swf container, you might be able to extract it and reencode it, but
that only works for videos and the quality goes to shit pretty fast (see the many youtube videos
reencoded to fit within /f/'s 10MB limit)
>> [_] Anonymous 02/16/14(Sun)23:41 No.2291734
yea, i have an [H] game ("planet of terror by swiss made" if you wanna look it up) that is just
barely over the size limit. iv been wanting to post it for a while
>> [_] Anonymous 02/17/14(Mon)00:17 No.2291768
Does someone know the name of that game where you put light on circles of the same color to play
>> [_] Anonymous 02/17/14(Mon)01:07 No.2291816
link? I cant find it
>> [_] Anonymous 02/17/14(Mon)01:15 No.2291822
first link that came up on google
>> [_] Anonymous 02/17/14(Mon)01:17 No.2291825
sorry found it and uploaded it already
>> [_] Anonymous 02/17/14(Mon)01:23 No.2291830
really? when i downloaded it it was like 10.2MB or some shit
>> [_] Anonymous 02/17/14(Mon)01:25 No.2291834
oh, yours has a different soundtrack. that's probly it
>> [_] Anonymous 02/17/14(Mon)01:27 No.2291835
yep, the old one was like 2mb
>> [_] Anonymous 02/17/14(Mon)01:37 No.2291841
Tone Matrix.swf
>> [_] !ATI1Topkek 02/17/14(Mon)01:53 No.2291850
orchestra, i think