File: REAR GUARD.swf-(4.16 MB, 800x500, Hentai)
[_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)17:12 No.2299665
>> [_] tamb 02/24/14(Mon)17:18 No.2299672
Finally finished it huh
>> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 02/24/14(Mon)17:19 No.2299673
How come I'm never the first to upload my own flashes here?
Oh well. Might as well use this thread then.
I made something I usually don't. It's a bit experimental.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)17:20 No.2299675
pornograhpic comedy is experimental?
check out efuckt sometime then
>> [_] tamb 02/24/14(Mon)17:21 No.2299676
probably meant experimental to him. not in general.
>> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 02/24/14(Mon)17:23 No.2299680
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)17:23 No.2299681
Valid point.
not saying it was bad, just trying to be a smart ass
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)17:25 No.2299683
So what's the point of finding the Yo's? Just more unfunny Swedeshit?
>> [_] Baked 02/24/14(Mon)17:26 No.2299685
Awesome work rock, your art has a certain look I quite enjoy. Haha on a side note, if you find a
scene you'd like to see for longer, just right-click and hit "Play" which will pause it with the
animation looping.
>> [_] tamb 02/24/14(Mon)17:27 No.2299687
It's a thing RC does in his flashes. Just a bit of fun besides the flash. if you can find them
all, without help, he'll give you a small nod. But that's about it.
>> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 02/24/14(Mon)17:36 No.2299695
You don't have to reply for me.
Thanks. It's hard to draw well in flash, so it was very frustrating to do the frame by frame
>> [_] tamb 02/24/14(Mon)17:38 No.2299696
But alright. Mr Mario Sunshine.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)17:43 No.2299704
The quality of your animations gets better every time. I just wish this was an interactive flash
so I can take my time to look at each animation, heh
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)17:43 No.2299707
are you politically interested in any way?
if so, which party are you voting for?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)17:46 No.2299709
Always like your flashes Rock, even these funny ones you do. I don't think I ever saw one of
those "Yo" ones outside of your website before though.
>> [_] tamb 02/24/14(Mon)17:47 No.2299711
I'm laughing hard
>> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 02/24/14(Mon)17:48 No.2299712
Can't say I am. I don't participate in anything unless I'm forced to.
Well, like >>2299685 said, you can just pause it. Most animations loop!
I never put much emphasis on the "Yo!"s in adult material, but there's some in almost every one.
This is more like a cartoon, so it fits better.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)17:51 No.2299717
why can't these people just make flashes to fap to
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)17:52 No.2299720
I don't know man.
I've always been a pussy lover myself, but shit your flash's have grown on me a little, good job
you smuck.
Problem with this flash though, it's kinda a blend between humour and sex-stuff, but doesn't
really manage to achieve either very well.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)17:56 No.2299723
I kinda agree with this guy, it's too sexy to be very funny and also too humorous to be very sexy
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)17:59 No.2299725
Don't worry, I'm sure someone will either edit it or make gifs of the sexy parts so you don't
have to sit through the unfunny shit and can just fap.
>> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 02/24/14(Mon)18:00 No.2299726
This is the first one I've made that's not made to fap to?
Hoa, I assumed it was going to be like that. But I really wanted to try to make a cartoon, I
think it would help me flesh out regular flashes too, not being limited to a single scene and
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:03 No.2299728
you cant fap to this? you must have very high standards
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:03 No.2299730
If you want to branch out to other, non-pornographic flashes, then just do non-pornographic
flashes. Or at least get a better writer.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:05 No.2299733
I heard creators never fap to their own work.
Is dis tru, comrade?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:05 No.2299734
Im glad the Zu getting raped by bullies thing is still being exploited.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:08 No.2299740
I can't fap to this cause the sexy scenes go by too fast. :(
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:09 No.2299741
how many cocks do you suck on a regular basis?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:10 No.2299745
I prefer when they fuck animals.
>> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 02/24/14(Mon)18:10 No.2299747
But I make both. I don't care much for being a good writer, 'cause I don't really have a good
sense of moviemaking. I just like animating stuff.
Mostly, yes. I mostly like the idea behind the animation, but I only see work when I look at the
actual content.
It's a sexy concept aint it?
None, I believe.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:12 No.2299749
I was kinda hoping for a screen at the end that let you go through looping versions of each sex
scene. But I guess that's a lot to expect.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:12 No.2299750
>reopens flash
>looks for non-sexy scenes
counted 8 scenes and only 3 of them were not sexy.
the bike, intro to the rear guard, and the testimony.
>> [_] The Admiral 02/24/14(Mon)18:13 No.2299751
>> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 02/24/14(Mon)18:16 No.2299756
Well I didn't really think of that... You could just pause at the scenes you like, though.
>> [_] HOUSTON 02/24/14(Mon)18:19 No.2299758
Good quality as usual, but we need more easter egg clickables.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:19 No.2299759
They still go by fast.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:19 No.2299761
which is another thing i really like about your work.
minus8 needs to understand this too.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:21 No.2299762
i guess theyre okay by me as most of them are chained right after the other which doesnt make my
boner get all pouty and give me the evil eye
>> [_] BismuthVectoring !FRESHtYylA 02/24/14(Mon)18:23 No.2299763
Are youa fraid of vaginas?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:26 No.2299767
Are you ever going to do more of Zu and Sixten sticking their tails up each other's butts? I
didn't even know that was a thing, but I like it a lot.
>> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 02/24/14(Mon)18:29 No.2299768
No, I just think they're incredibly ugly and unattractive.
I can understand the concept, but the fucking thing is disgusting and a boner killer.
I made this by myself, and I cannot do complicated things codingwise, so it's a simple
noninteractive movie.
It was a guy here on /f/ that drew that stuff, I've not really made anything with them together
myself... And I don't know why. I really should though, but I've got a busy schedule flashwise.
I've lost so much motivation in drawing lately, I mostly work on different flash projects instead.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:30 No.2299771
>minus8 needs to understand this to
i still rage anytime i think about his rhythm heaven flash.
he had to have realized how much of it was really good material yet gave us no way for looping it
outside of us recording the flash ourselves.
>> [_] BismuthVectoring !FRESHtYylA 02/24/14(Mon)18:31 No.2299773
Mmmm, so you were not raped...
Ever had an experience with a vagina, or you haven't tried the thing yet? Never deny yourself
something you haven't tried.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:31 No.2299774
As a fellow anal lover, my reasoning is that vaginal just more "common", to the point it's
boring. You can look anywhere on the internet and find a pussy being pounded.
Now good anal? That's much harder to come across, which sucks because it's just so much better
than vaginal.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:33 No.2299777
>but the fucking thing is disgusting and a boner killer.
Not that guy but I always just viewed it as a joke on your part, but you actually seem to feel
pretty passionately about your hate for them.
Man, that's weird, especially coming from someone whose put bestiality in his work.
Not trashing you or nothing, just find it fascinating.
>> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 02/24/14(Mon)18:35 No.2299778
Yeah, like twice.
I got such a skewed view on sex and I'm socially akward so I can't mantain a boner around another
person. Though, looking at that damn thing made my penis faint...
That too. There's many reasons why I like the butt more. I've been trying to appreciate the
frontbutt as well, and it seems to work somewhat. I don't get repulsed by seeing cartoon
frontbutt penetration anymore.
are you saying animals are vaginas
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:37 No.2299780
It's kinda weird that you find vaginas disgusting being that anal is literally were all the shit
comes from, like, girls shit a lot, almost as much as us. It's add that you find vaginas,
something that has it's own hole and a separate hole for peeing disgusting, while you are aroused
by butts.
Perhaps you are a closeted gay? What's your thoughs on guys with nice butts?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:37 No.2299781
Well you're doing good work RockCandy. We need more stuff of girls getting buttfucked hard, and
especially more that doesn't involve pulling out before cumming. So please keep it up.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:37 No.2299782
How come RC is pretty much exclusively anal?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:38 No.2299783
>> [_] mike 02/24/14(Mon)18:39 No.2299784
>like, girls shit a lot, almost as much as us
I can't even into whatever this is
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:39 No.2299785
That brown coloring you see there? It's the instestine mixed with shit. Literal shit which is
impossibly hard to clean, specially when you Americans don't wash your butts with water.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:39 No.2299787
>are you saying animals are vaginas
Some people certainly use them like they are.
But, eye of the beholder and all that I guess.
It just seems weird. If someones into beast shit, it usually seems to mean they're into
So seeing you be literally disgusted by vaginas is just kind of funny.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:41 No.2299789
You know I never realized that about his flashes before. I'm totally repulsed by the horse dicks,
but perfectly fine with vaginas. I find it a little strange how someone could be fine with horse
dicks, but not like vaginas. To each his own I suppose.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:41 No.2299790
>No, I just think they're incredibly ugly and unattractive.
>I can understand the concept, but the fucking thing is disgusting and a boner killer.
im glad im not the only one that find vaginas look like a disgusting mess.
also glad im not the only one that hates it. especially his peach one with mario on the
get to the parts i like i would need to sit there and wait a good few minus.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:42 No.2299791
Dang. You spent how long making this?
Pretty disappointing. What is it with the Swedish and being like that?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:42 No.2299792
Butts don't regularly shed their lining and drool blood all over the place.
>> [_] BismuthVectoring !FRESHtYylA 02/24/14(Mon)18:43 No.2299794
>I got such a skewed view on sex and I'm socially akward so I can't mantain a boner around
another person.
That can be easily solved by not caring about what others think.
>Though, looking at that damn thing made my penis faint...
It seems you were caught off guard by an ugly vagina and you where sorta traumatized. Not all
vaginas are ugly, but porn definitely lies tho' about both butts and vaginas.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:46 No.2299797
I don't know but I assume it's why Ikea just sells you parts and makes you put the shit together.
They know they'd just half-ass it even worse.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:49 No.2299800
Looks like this turned into a <3 vaginas and fuck the Swedish thread.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:49 No.2299802
i have yet to see an unugly vagina. they all look lie mangled up meat to me or a meat flower.
thats not pleasant to look at. i especially hate in hentai or porn when they spread them open.
the ass is not mangled looking and all puckered up and just cute and more inviting to me.
>> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 02/24/14(Mon)18:51 No.2299804
Vaginas look disgusting. A butt looks attractive and I find it more interesting psychologically.
Or whatever you'd call it.
Also there's a bunch of icky shit coming out of frontbutts too.
I can enjoy traps and feminine boys, but I didn't until recently.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:52 No.2299806
Also RC, any plans for more loli or DFC like that 2hu flash you did?
imo your artstyle works really well with either large breasts, or flat breasts. but there's
something about the typical medium breasts that i don't care for with your work which is bad for
me because it seems to be most common.
i just wanted to make an ikea joke.
i-i love basshunter and swedish people.
>> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 02/24/14(Mon)18:53 No.2299807
I never understood why you would want to pull out... Asspies is the best!
don't touch my butt with that.
I'm not american.
I'm not into the animals themselfes, I like girls being fucked by non-human things. humiliations,
It was a side project, but a lot of work went into it, yes!
I guess it's because you don't notice other swedes, because they don't tend to talk about their
personal stuff.
>That can be easily solved by not caring about what others think.
I don't care. But it feels stupid. You're sitting naked to another naked person. I dunno, I tried
several times, just didn't work.
>It seems you were caught off guard by an ugly vagina and you where sorta traumatized. Not all
vaginas are ugly, but porn definitely lies tho' about both butts and vaginas.
Not really, but it was uglier than I thought... I just can't enjoy the look of it.
Ya, I'd prefer a whole ass.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:54 No.2299809
>I'm not into the animals themselfes, I like girls being fucked by non-human things.
humiliations, etc.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:56 No.2299810
I don't get it either buddy, how many times have you been watching a girl getting a damned good
buttfucking, only for the guy to pull out at the last second and just shoot it onto her? FUCK
THAT, I want to hear the girl moan as her ass is pumped full of cum, then I want to see her
asshole push it all out! Seriously.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:56 No.2299811
Its a swedish thing, you have to be one to understand it.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:57 No.2299812
Was it swedes or danes who had them "pay to fuck farm animals here" places?
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:58 No.2299813
i never liked the cumming on her face or playing with the cum on her. another nasty aspect to me.
>> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 02/24/14(Mon)18:58 No.2299814
DFC? No more Touhou, there's already so much of that. I don't really enjoy it either, I prefer
non-sexual themed Touhou content.
Yah, I find regular sized boobs hard to draw, but it's what I like the most ironically.
Hmh. I guess I like dumb, innocent things getting stuffed in the butt. Kinda like Zu, except it
was Rudolf instead. And it was funny as well.
I don't watch porn, so not many times! But I think it's stupid. And it's also easier to animate.
>> [_] BismuthVectoring !FRESHtYylA 02/24/14(Mon)18:59 No.2299816
True, they keep all the shit in between the wrinkles.
> You're sitting naked to another naked person.
Most people tend to associate that with passion, like, it's valued beacuse it means you are with
someone you hold close to you in maximum possible expression, or with your object of desire.
Aethetically, most body functions, including but not limited to butts and vaginas, are not kind
to the eye. But when you are with someone you like you tend to ignore that.
> but it was uglier than I thought...
You though they were uglier before?
How ok are with shit? Have you actually had anal sex? Perhaps it's not butts you like and there's
some deeper psychological reason.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)18:59 No.2299818
Then here's to Zu getting her butt pumped full of cum. Don't let the haters get to you.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)19:05 No.2299824
Delicious Flat Chest. I just like that 2hu girl in particular, especially your rendition of her.
To be honest I'd like any DFC, parody or not.
Sometime in the future, please? ;_;
>Dumb, innocent things being stuffed
>like Zu, except it was Rudolf
I'll have to mull that one over I think..
Seriously though, I wasn't really appalled. Another thing I just found really funny for some
reason. Thing is, I don't really care for gay stuff, but I'm fine with beast. So the scene was
pretty okay for me as long as I ignored the RED, FLASHING DEER PENIS the best I could.
So, kudos for confusing my sexuality even further.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)19:08 No.2299828
Rock, there's one thing I would like to ask though. I know you've done many pictures of her and
she's one of my favorite characters from you.
When do you think you might do another flash of the Psychotic Girl? Always found her sexy as hell
when shes not killing.
>> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 02/24/14(Mon)19:13 No.2299831
The christmas flash has just that, but that was met with so much complications!
>Most people tend to associate that with passion
I feel nothing of that. I'm asspie, I don't really understand "love" and such things. I can only
imagine and play along. I don't particurarly care for real women anyway. Most find me creepy, for
good reason!
>You though they were uglier before?
Never saw a real one at that close before!
And no, I've only gotten a few BJs, that's it. I'd like to try buttsex, but good luck with that.
I only got Sofi, she's small and got no tits. I've not made anything with her lately, but I want
>So, kudos for confusing my sexuality even further.
You're welcome.
Yeah, I know, I want to too. But flashmaking is a lenghty process! If I could I'd make something
with every character involved.
>> [_] BismuthVectoring !FRESHtYylA 02/24/14(Mon)19:16 No.2299835
>And no, I've only gotten a few BJs, that's it. I'd like to try buttsex, but good luck with that.
Problem is taht I fear you'll have the same problem when it comes to buttsex than when you have
to stick it on the frontbutt.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)19:16 No.2299836
While it's disappointing we didn't get to see Zu pushing said cum out of her asshole, given
everything else that flash had it's hardly worth complaining about.
Just want to say thank you for all your hard work RockCandy, I mean it.
>> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 02/24/14(Mon)19:23 No.2299840
Obviously! But there's no chance of ever getting the chance again, so I don't mind much. I'm fine
fappin' to Zu and then dieing.
I meant, the christmas flash for last year that isn't done yet. It's got all that.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)19:28 No.2299846
Ohh I see, then I'm looking more forward to it than ever.
>> [_] Rock Candy !6B.msYdiz6 02/24/14(Mon)19:33 No.2299849
Yash, I also got full voiceacting for it so I'm very hopeful for it, even though it's pretty
>> [_] BismuthVectoring !FRESHtYylA 02/24/14(Mon)19:34 No.2299853
Then perhaps it would help you to accept that vaginas are not that ugly. Otherwise you'll never
truly find sex attractive.
And don't lose hope! Like we say around my lands, "Siempre hay un roto para un descocido"
You just need to search and learn from your mistakes, if you make any.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)19:35 No.2299855
Heh, Omar's getting better with his voice acting. I hate to adimt he always sounded pretty faggy,
but that's never made much a difference to me(since I adore him for his music, of course). But
it's getting better, which is awesome, I love seeing small artists like that grow.
Oh and you'er getting a hell of a lot better yourself, RC. Animation is fluid and realistic,
starting to approach Zone tier here. Hell I'd say you're well on your way to usurping the old
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)19:36 No.2299857
The circle jerking is so strong in here.
The faps can be heard reverberating through the series of tubes for miles.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/14(Mon)19:38 No.2299860
The dark color has nothing to do with shit. Why would you even think that? No, seriously. That's
the stupidest thing I have heard in months.