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This is resource YQIMOC0, an Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/res/2270995 Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 9. Discovered flash files: 1
File: The Full Shorta-.swf-(9.39 MB, 320x240, Hentai) [_] HA HA! TIME FOR SS! Anonymous 01/27/14(Mon)08:59 No.2270995 >> [_] Anonymous 01/27/14(Mon)09:12 No.2270999 Original? >> [_] Anonymous 01/27/14(Mon)09:17 No.2271002 Can I get the song/artist name(s). I know this song but it escapes me, and re-sizing isn't showing anything >> [_] Anonymous 01/27/14(Mon)09:39 No.2271014 SOURCE OF MUSIC/VIDEO PLOXXXxxxxx..... >> [_] Anonymous 01/27/14(Mon)09:48 No.2271022 >>2270999 >>2271014 Video artist is Bingo Tarte. I was going to link his blog-spot but it's telling me "This doesn't exist anymore." Love, >>2271002 No if only someone could remind me of the god damned song name. >> [_] Anonymous 01/27/14(Mon)10:01 No.2271027 Borderline Syndrome for video source >> [_] Anonymous 01/27/14(Mon)10:23 No.2271037 >>2271022 http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/560642 It just isn't the same >> [_] Anonymous 01/27/14(Mon)10:30 No.2271041 >>2271037 You are a gentleman, and a scholar, anon. Thank you. >> [_] Anonymous 01/27/14(Mon)11:35 No.2271066 I really need subtitles for this shit! Damn it's good. http://bayproxy.me/torrent/7404448/Borderline_Syndrome |